Credit: Geev

Why is the donation and recovery platform Geev so popular right now? It's easy, fast, free. 

The story of this initiative began with a simple idea in 2015. Seeing tons of household appliances and furniture accumulating on their cities' sidewalks, several friends decided to take pictures of them to offer them for free on a self-help group via Facebook. Today, Geev has a whole new dimension. The group has become an actual mobile application for donations between individuals and has more than 2.5 million users for 6 million donated objects. There are many washing machines and clothes, books, toys, decoration, which are waiting for a second life on the principle of the circular economy. The aim is ecological: to avoid throwing away as much as possible when we know that 9 billion tons of potentially reusable objects end up in the garbage every year.

Credit: Geev

With the health crisis, Geev has departed from its model based on reuse to let in a new category: food. The two keywords remain the same : solidarity and anti-waste. Any canned goods that are nearing their expiration date? Any vegetables harvested in large quantities? Many donations are now available on the app, which is particularly popular with families and students affected by the current economic situation. A helping hand that has not gone unnoticed as the batches find takers in the instant of a click. Let's keep a close eye on this start-up which could develop internationally and open up to companies.

Credit: Geev