Photo: Céline Piccolo and Claire Talbot-Aliberti

Céline and Claire share with us their experiences in terms of integration at Sodexo Luxembourg, whether through their knowledge or their skills. Diversity, and particularly the issue of disability, are subjects that are of key importance within this company where difference is considered as a guarantee of innovation and performance.


Sustainability MAG: In order to perform your current position, did you require any specific adaptations? If so, how did you do that?

Céline Piccolo: I have been a Service Agent at Sodexo for 2 years. Having Crohn’s disease, my disability-related constraints are not being able to work too far from home, not being able to work full-time, not being able to perform some physical tasks and having the right to take breaks when necessary, during my working day. I deliberately discussed the subject of my disability during the recruitment interview. My manager was also informed and I chose to speak with my colleagues so that the work in the team goes well. 

Developing an inclusive work environment is Sodexo’s priority. Could you elaborate?

Claire Talbot-Aliberti: Actor in quality of life, Sodexo considers that diversity and inclusion are essential priorities for its development. Indeed, we are convinced that our human resources, skills and motivations represent an undeniable added value for our service company. Sodexo makes every effort to include every employee by valuing the differences: integration of minorities, intergenerational links, equality between women and men, integration of people with disabilities, respecting sexual orientations, this boosts performance and innovation.

Did you raise awareness on the topic of disability within your team?

Claire Talbot: Diversity Training for everyone where the topic of disability is very important! We are concerned by this topic in our professional and personal life! All our managers are sensitized to Diversity and Inclusion through a one-day training which provide. All other employees (nonmanagers) can also take part if they wish. During this training, we first cover all the facets of Diversity and then, in a second part, we focus on our target audiences identified in our strategy: gender, origins, disabilities, generations, sexual orientation and life choices. The objective of this training is to understand how and in what ways Diversity and Inclusion can have a positive impact on interpersonal relations: colleagues, managers, clients ... and also to make every employee aware that working on or promoting Diversity and Inclusion is everyone’s responsibility!

Is the collaboration with your colleagues positive?

Céline Piccolo: The collaboration with my colleagues is going very well, they show understanding with regards to my situation. At work, I am like a "normal" person. My work is vital for me, it’s a real therapy! I would also like to add the importance of my manager who greatly contributed to my good integration in the company and in the team. He trusts me, makes me want to go ahead, fight, give the best of me every day. He recognizes the work I have done and knows how to say "Thank you!".

What was the biggest obstacle you needed to overcome regarding integration within the company?

Céline Piccolo: The biggest challenge was for me to be recruited! The day I signed my work contract, I cried... tears of joy! For me, it was important to find a job and to be able to prove that I can accomplish things, both to my manager and my colleagues but also to myself!

Claire Talbot: Opening dialogue and breaking prejudices and stereotypes! Showing that it is possible and, most of the time, not so complicated! As every situation is unique, I regularly talk with each employee with disabilities. The manager is informed, we adapt the workstation if necessary and, in agreement with the person, and according to any professional constraints related to the disability, we decide whether to inform the rest of the team. The idea is to ensure that every employee with a disability feels good about their work, their team and the company.

What would you recommend to companies that would like to hire people with disabilities?

Claire Talbot-Aliberti: Try! Get started! It is a win-win experience: both for the person with a disability and for the team in which he/she is integrated.

Céline Piccolo: Give them a chance, you will not be disappointed! You cannot imagine how important it is for us, people with disabilities, to have a job and to be able to find a balance in our lives.

Céline Piccolo

Service Agent with disability, Sodexo Luxembourg

Claire Talbot-Aliberti

Assistant to the Human Resources Director, in charge of Diversity and Inclusion, Sodexo Luxembourg