Votre recherche : plastic

Votre recherche a donné 16 résultats

San Francisco, Objective Zero Waste
The city of San Francisco is today a true model of waste management. Zero Waste, an ambitious bet?
Washed Up
Alejandro Durán travels the beaches to collect plastic debris. His project: life-size installations of single-use objects. Aesthetic perhaps, but challenging above all.
The Bigger Picture
Find the magical images of our blue planet taken by astronaut Thomas Pesquet from the ISS station. A series of photographs highlighting the critical issues of climate change.
Ces entreprises qui disent stop aux plastiques à usage unique
Exit de nos bureaux les gobelets, bouteilles et autres touillettes en plastique. Pour lutter contre cette catastrophe écologique, certaines organisations au Luxembourg ont décidé d’agir en signant le manifeste Zero Single-Use Plastic.
Quand l'impulsion vient de l'europe
Europe in the Driver's Seat
Through its institutions, the EU aims to become the driving force behind a new model. Focus on its initiatives to build a responsible world.
Companies that Say Stop to Single-Use Plastic
No more plastic cups, bottles or stirrers in our offices! Organizations in Luxembourg have taken action by signing the Zero Single-Use Plastic manifesto to fight against this ecological disaster.
Single-Use Plastics: True from False
Do plastics contribute to global warming? Are babies born pre-polluted? Is bio-based plastic the solution? Here are some answers to help you distinguish between reliable information and preconceived ideas.
Under the Eye of Microscopes
Plastic pollution is also micro and nano particles and although this waste seems invisible to us, it is no less dangerous. Science tells us why.
A Hazardous Immersion
One million plastic bottles are bought every minute in the world. At this frenetic rate, the equivalent of one rubbish truckload of this "modern-day material" is dumped into the ocean... Exploration of a plastic world.
Solutions are in the making
Discover 10 companies that have redesigned their use of plastics. From PET-destroying bacteria to recycled bottles, these brands had to be inventive to meet the waste challenge.
A matter of usage...
The time has come: no more plastic! Let's think about the materiel "whose name must not be pronounced", let's question our uses and try to find alternatives capable of replacing it.
Pourquoi le recyclage ne suffira pas
Le recyclage est largement perçu comme le remède de prédilection pour lutter contre la pollution de nos emballages. L'idée est séduisante car elle ne remet pas en question nos modes de consommation, mais insuffisante dans les faits.
Why recycling will not be enough
Recycling is widely seen as the ideal way to tackle the pollution of our packaging. In short, the idea is to put their production in a perfect loop, where materials are reused over and over again and no raw materials need to be extracted.
Nothing new?
Did you know that 10% of the wood cut down, 20% of the aluminium extracted, 40% of the plastic created and 50% of the glass produced are mainly used to make single-use packaging? In a world of finite resources, the disposable economy based on the principle of produce-consume-throw-away is increasingly showing its limits.
Demain il tombera...
En reprenant tous les codes d’une météo classique, une organisation australienne sensibilise aux impacts des microplastiques, invisibles à l’oeil nu et pourtant bien présents et dangereux. La campagne de la fondation Minderoo, nommée « The Plastic Forecast », alerte ainsi les passants à ce sujet de plus en plus préoccupant, à travers l’affichage urbain.
By using the codes of a classic weather forecast, an Australian organisation is raising awareness of the impact of microplastics, which are invisible to the naked eye yet very present and dangerous. The Minderoo Foundation's campaign, called "The Plastic Forecast", uses urban posters to alert passers-by to this increasingly worrying issue.