Your search : B Corp

We found 11 result(s)

B Corp co-founder Jay Coen Gilbert: "Our momentum is accelerating, and this transformation is happening, out of necessity"
"Make Business a Force for Good". The formula is powerful and sums up B Corp’s ambition: nothing less than to change our economic system. Today, this project to renew capitalism is gaining more and more enthusiasts and companies are rushing to join this movement. Meet with its co-founder Jay Coen Gilbert.
Jay Coen Gilbert, cofondateur de B Corp : «Notre mouvement est en plein essor et cette transformation a lieu par nécessité»
"Make Business a Force for Good". La formule est efficace et résume l'ambition B Corp : celle ni plus ni moins de changer notre système économique. Aujourd'hui, ce projet de rénovation du capitalisme fait de plus en plus d'adeptes et les entreprises se pressent pour pouvoir rejoindre ce mouvement. Rencontre avec son co-fondateur Jay Coen Gilbert.
La grande poussée B Corp
Plus de 6 000 entreprises représentant pas moins d’un demi-million de salariés arborent aujourd’hui le blason tant convoité à la lettre B. B comme B Corp. Dans la vaste jungle des labels et certifications, ce mouvement pas comme les autres semble tirer son épingle du jeu. Créé en Outre-Atlantique par trois entrepreneurs en 2007, il connait un réel boom au cours des dernières années avec une présence dans un peu plus de 85 pays et 150 industries.
The B Corp Bloom
More than 6,000 companies representing half a million employees now bear the B Corp logo. In the vast jungle of labels and certifications, this movement, like no other, definitely stands out. Founded on the other side of the Atlantic by three entrepreneurs in 2007, it has experienced a real bloom in recent years with a presence in over 85 countries and 150 industries.
Comment devenir une B Corp
Être B Corp, qu'est-ce que cela signifie ? Quelles sont les étapes à suivre ? Où trouver l'aide nécessaire pour vous assister ? Qui intégrer dans la démarche ? Combien de temps cela prendra-t-il ? Combien cela coûtera-t-il à votre organisation ? Autant de questions que vous vous posez sans doute si vous ambitionnez de rejoindre la communauté B Corp, et auxquelles vous cherchez des réponses avant de vous lancer. Décryptage.
How to become a B Corp
What does it mean to be a B Corp? What are the steps to become one?  Where can you find help? Who needs to be involved in the process? How long does it take? What are the costs? These are all questions you might be asking yourself if you aspire to join to the B Corp community, and to which you are looking for answers before taking the plunge. Let's find out.
« Nous sommes là pour secouer l'ensemble du secteur »
Envie de croquer dans un chocolat sans se sentir complice de l'esclavagisme moderne qui règne dans cette industrie ? C'est que propose la marque Tony's Chocolonely qui annonce être « folle de chocolat, sérieuse avec les gens ».En validant haut la main la (re)certification, l'entreprise hollandaise fait partie des excellents élèves B Corp et sa gouvernance a même été reconnue « best for the world ». Nous nous sommes entretenus avec Pavithra Ram pour comprendre ô combien ce chocolat est bon pour tout le monde ! 
"We are there to shake up the entire industry"
Want to bite into a chocolate without feeling complicit in the modern-day slavery of the industry? That's what Tony's Chocolonely is offering, as it claims to be "crazy about chocolate, serious about people". By passing (re)certification with flying colors, the Dutch company is one of the top B Corp performers and its governance has even been recognised as 'best for the world'. We spoke to Pavithra Ram to find out how good this chocolate is for everyone! 
Un monde de B Corp
Alimentation, banque, cosmétiques, énergie... Les entreprises se réinventent dans le monde entier. Découvrez des initiatives qui entendent changer la donne.
A world of B Corps
Food, banking, cosmetics, energy... Business is reinventing itself around the globe. Find out about initiatives that aim to change the game.
DOSSIER / B Corp, business reinventing capitalism
B Corp co-founder Jay Coen Gilbert: "Our momentum is accelerating, and this transformation is happening, out of necessity"
"Make Business a Force for Good". The formula is powerful and sums up B Corp’s ambition: nothing less than to change our economic system. Today, this project to renew capitalism is gaining more and more enthusiasts and companies are rushing to join this movement. Meet with its co-founder Jay Coen Gilbert.
The B Corp Bloom
More than 6,000 companies representing half a million employees now bear the B Corp logo. In the vast jungle of labels and certifications, this movement, like no other, definitely stands out. Founded on the other side of the Atlantic by three entrepreneurs in 2007, it has experienced a real bloom in recent years with a presence in over 85 countries and 150 industries.
How to become a B Corp
What does it mean to be a B Corp? What are the steps to become one?  Where can you find help? Who needs to be involved in the process? How long does it take? What are the costs? These are all questions you might be asking yourself if you aspire to join to the B Corp community, and to which you are looking for answers before taking the plunge. Let's find out.
"We are there to shake up the entire industry"
Want to bite into a chocolate without feeling complicit in the modern-day slavery of the industry? That's what Tony's Chocolonely is offering, as it claims to be "crazy about chocolate, serious about people". By passing (re)certification with flying colors, the Dutch company is one of the top B Corp performers and its governance has even been recognised as 'best for the world'. We spoke to Pavithra Ram to find out how good this chocolate is for everyone! 
A world of B Corps
Food, banking, cosmetics, energy... Business is reinventing itself around the globe. Find out about initiatives that aim to change the game.