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La renaissance de Medellín
Sergio Escobar, ancien directeur de l’Agence Internationale de Coopération et d’Investissement de Medellín, raconte l’évolution verte de la ville et partage sa vision pour demain.
San Francisco, objectif zéro déchet
La ville de San Francisco est aujourd’hui un véritable modèle de gestion des poubelles. Le Zero Waste, un pari ambitieux ?
Nouvelle-Zélande, Conservation First!
Au pays des Kiwis, la protection de l’environnement, c’est sacré ! Touriste ou Ministre, chacun a son rôle à jouer afin de préserver cette biodiversité extraordinaire.
Reykjavík, un paradoxe vert
Si la capitale de l’Islande affiche une électricité 100% renouvelable, elle n’en est pas pour autant le nouvel eldorado écologique...
Quand le croco cède sa place
Lacoste s’engage pour la protection des animaux et lance une gamme de polos à l’effigie de dix espèces en voie d’extinction. Place aux perroquet, marsouin et tigre de Sumatra...
Coral crafters
Et s’il existait un moyen d’allier le jeu et la restauration des récifs ? C’est en tout cas le défi relevé par « Aquatics », la nouvelle extension de Minecraft, qui a su participer à la restauration des récifs coralliens.
Living coral, la couleur qui interpelle...
La teinte Pantone 2019 a fait couler beaucoup d’encre. Living ou Dead coral, quelle sera réellement la couleur de 2043 ?
Une campagne contre les violences faites aux femmes
Le spot « Door » de Movistar nous sensibilise aux violences domestiques faites aux femmes. Il est temps de parler.
Climax, un spectacle pour réveiller le monde
Suite à sa production au sommet du G20, Natasha Tsakos a fait le détour par le Luxembourg Sustainability Forum pour présenter son spectacle alliant art et technologie.
La vérité pixelisée
Grâce à l’utilisation de Google Earth, l’artiste Mishka Henner nous donne à voir notre planète telle qu’elle est et non telle que nous voudrions qu’elle soit.
Washed Up
Alejandro Durán parcourt les plages pour récupérer des déchets plastiques. Son projet : des installations grandeur nature d’objets à usage unique. Esthétique peut-être, mais avant tout interpellant.
Symphonie sylvestre
Dans une explosion de couleurs, les peintures d’Anita Dore nous emportent en forêt, univers mystérieux avant tout synonyme d’harmonie, de magie et de vitalité.
Medellín, the City's Revival
Former Director of the International Cooperation and Investment Agency of Medellín Sergio Escobar, tells about the green evolution of the city and shares his vision for tomorrow.
San Francisco, Objective Zero Waste
The city of San Francisco is today a true model of waste management. Zero Waste, an ambitious bet?
When the Croco Gives Way
Lacoste commits to animal protection and launches a range of polo shirts featuring ten endangered species. Make way for parrots, the vaquita, and Sumatran tigers...
Coral Crafters
What if there was a way to combine games and reef restoration? This is the challenge taken up by Minecraft's new extension "Aquatics", which has been able to help restore coral reefs.
Living Coral, The Color That Draws Attention...
The Pantone 2019 shade has been the subject of much ink. Living or dead coral, what will the colour of 2043 really be?
A Campaign For Women Against Violence
Movistar's "Door" spot raises awareness about domestic violence against women. It's time to speak up.
Jean Jouzel : vers un changement de civilisation
Le glaciologue et climatologue français dresse un constat saisissant du réchauffement de notre planète. Pour lutter contre ce phénomène, il appelle à saisir les multiples opportunités d’innovation pour être écologiquement et économiquement gagnant.
Scénarios des futurs possibles
Les experts du CIRED analysent la pluralité des changements climatiques que nous vivons.
Climax, a Show to Wake Up the World
Following her performance at the G20 summit, Natasha Tsakos stopped by the Luxembourg Sustainability Forum to present her show combining art and technology.
The Pixelised Truth
Working with Google Earth, the artist Mishka Henner allows us to see our planet as it is and not as we would like it to be.
Washed Up
Alejandro Durán travels the beaches to collect plastic debris. His project: life-size installations of single-use objects. Aesthetic perhaps, but challenging above all.
Forest Symphony
In an explosion of colors, Anita Dore's paintings take us to the forest, a mysterious universe above all synonymous with harmony, magic and vitality.
The Bigger Picture
Find the magical images of our blue planet taken by astronaut Thomas Pesquet from the ISS station. A series of photographs highlighting the critical issues of climate change.
La Terre vue de l'espace
Retrouvez les images magiques de notre planète bleue prises par le spationaute Thomas Pesquet depuis la station ISS. Une série de photographies mettant en lumière les enjeux critiques du changement climatique.
The Uncensored Library, un refuge pour la liberté de la presse
Minecraft s’est associé avec Reporters Sans Frontières pour lutter contre la censure médiatique. À la clé, une bibliothèque virtuelle qui ouvre la porte à une information indépendante.
The Uncensored Library, a Refuge for Press Freedom
Minecraft has joined forces with Reporters Without Borders to combat media censorship. The result is a virtual library that opens the door to independent information.
Reykjavík, A Green Paradox
Although the Icelandic capital boasts about having electricity that runs on 100% renewable energy, it still isn't the new ecological Eldorado...
New Zealand, Conservation First!
On Kiwi's land, environmental conservation is sacred! From tourist to Minister, everyone has a role to play to preserve this extraordinary biodiversity.
La mise en garde des génies
Un conte en images, tel est le projet que nous présente le photographe Fabrice Monteiro dans « La Prophétie ». Ses génies nous emmènent faire un tour du monde des fléaux écologiques qui ravagent notre planète.
Genies' Warning
A tale in pictures, this is the project presented by photographer Fabrice Monteiro in "The Prophecy". His genies take us on a world tour of the ecological scourges that ravage our planet.
La tyrannie de l'instant
Dans une société marquée par la vitesse et l’immédiateté, le nouveau mal du siècle réside dans une impression d’urgence permanente. Le cerveau est réduit à un dévouement absolu au tourbillon de l’instant.
Vite fait, bien fait ? Face au diktat de l’urgence au travail
La vitesse de circulation de l’information s’accélère et rythme l’organisation du travail. Quels impacts sur le bien-être et la performance ?
Too Fast Too Furious?
Un baromètre prend le pouls du rapport au temps chez les salariés du Luxembourg.
Hyperaccélération et infobésité en entreprise
Caroline Sauvajol-Rialland, experte sur les sujets d’infobésité, de gestion de l’information et de disponibilité numérique nous conseille face à la déferlante informationnelle.
« Pourquoi l’entreprise à vocation sociale peut remédier à un système déficient »
Rencontre avec Saskia Bruysten, co-fondatrice du fond d’investissement et incubateur Yunus Social Business.
Un business pas comme les autres
Quand la création de valeur sociale est inséparable de l'objectif de viabilité financière. Retour sur les principes du Social Business.
Entreprises à objet social augmenté
Voici des soupes, des yaourts, des chaussures... oui mais radicalement repensés. L’objectif ? Un modèle qui maximise utilités sociale et environnementale.
Quatre façons d’accélérer le social business dans les grandes entreprises
Dans cette tribune, Benoît Bonello et Angélina Lamy dressent des pistes pour que les organisations franchissent le pas.
Huit défis sociétaux au Luxembourg
Une étude identifie les grands champs d’action sociétaux où les entreprises pourraient changer la donne et où des initiatives inspirantes percent déjà avec succès.
Nudge, une stratégie qui fait mouche
Quel rapport peut-il bien y avoir entre une mouche représentée au fond des urinoirs et un prix Nobel d’économie ? Le lien n’est pas immédiat en effet…
Nudging the employees
Un nouvel outil dans la panoplie des méthodes RH et de management afin d’améliorer l’intérêt des collaborateurs et des entreprises ?
Alexander Farsan : des entreprises appelées à écouter la science pour définir leurs trajectoires de réduction d'émissions
Le responsable monde des Science-Based Targets chez WWF nous rappelle l’extrême nécessité de rester en-deçà des 1,5°C de réchauffement climatique. L’organisation au panda tire la sonnette d’alarme.
Electrolux se prépare à la neutralité carbone
Le géant de l’électroménager montre la voie à suivre en ce qui concerne la réduction des émissions CO2. Rencontre avec Henrik Sundström, chef d’orchestre de cette transition.
Un green desk pour financer la transition énergétique
Anne-Sophie Dufresne, directrice de la banque des entreprises de BGL BNP Paribas répond à nos questions.
Le génie de l'arbre en 20 services essentiels
Retour illustré sur leurs apports indispensables à notre quotidien.
Tristan Lecomte : « L'arbre est le meilleur investissement sur Terre »
Le fondateur de PUR Projet a déjà replanté des millions d’arbres. Aujourd’hui, ce serial entrepreneur partage avec nous deux nouveaux projets.
Les forêts du Luxembourg en état critique
Le dernier inventaire phytosanitaire publié par l’Administration de la Nature et des Forêts de Luxembourg révèle que plus de la moitié des arbres observés sont dans un état de santé jugé nettement dégradé.
Ces géants qui tombent
Toutes les minutes, plus de 2 000 arbres sont détruits dans le monde. Les enjeux sont sans nul autre pareil. Puits de carbone, sanctuaires de biodiversité, piliers de la sécurité alimentaire... des fonctions régulatrices à préserver absolument.
Frank Wolter : « Ce ne sera plus la même forêt »
Le directeur de l’Administration de la Nature et de la Forêt du Grand-Duché s’inquiète de la dégradation des couverts boisés luxembourgeois. Clefs de compréhension et pistes d’action.
« Une vision partagée pour une Europe durable »
Jan Noterdaeme, cofondateur de CSR Europe, nous invite à co-construire une Europe durable. Quelles ambitions pour 2030 ?
Quand l'impulsion vient de l'europe
Quand l’impulsion vient de l’Europe
À travers ses institutions, l’Union ambitionne de devenir la locomotive d’un nouveau modèle. Zoom sur ses initiatives pour la construction d’un monde responsable.
Le développement durable, point d'attention des institutions européennes au Luxembourg
Rappel sur la contribution à l’Agenda 2030 des institutions européennes installées au Grand-Duché.
Dans les coulisses de la Banque Européenne d'Investissement
Rencontre avec les experts de la Banque du Climat.
Marjut Santoni : des ambitions pour la banque du climat
La Secrétaire Générale de la BEI nous révèle le rôle clef de cette institution dans le financement d’une économie européenne durable.
Vers un devoir européen de la divulgation
Valérie Arnold, Corporate Responsibility Leader chez PwC, revient sur la directive européenne relative à la publication d’informations non financières. Mots d’ordre : confiance et transparence.
"Why social business is a solution for a broken system"
Meet with Saskia Bruysten, Co-founder of the investment fund and incubator Yunus Social Business.
A Business of a Different Kind
When the creation of social value is inseparable from financial sustainability' objectives. Back to the principles of Social Business.
Companies with Social Added Value
They have soups, yoghurts, shoes... but radically redesigned. The objective? A model that maximizes social and environmental utility.
Four Ways to Boost Social Business in Large Companies
Benoît Bonello and Angélina Lamy set out the paths for organizations to take the next step.
Eight Societal Challenges in Luxembourg
A study identifies major societal fields of action where companies could make a difference and where inspiring initiatives are already making a successful breakthrough.
Ces entreprises qui disent stop aux plastiques à usage unique
Exit de nos bureaux les gobelets, bouteilles et autres touillettes en plastique. Pour lutter contre cette catastrophe écologique, certaines organisations au Luxembourg ont décidé d’agir en signant le manifeste Zero Single-Use Plastic.
Plastique : le vrai du faux
Les plastiques contribuent-ils au réchauffement climatique ? Les bébés naissent-ils pré-pollués ? Le plastique biosourcé est-il la solution ?... Voici quelques réponses pour vous aider à distinguer les informations fiables des idées reçues.
Sous l’œil des microscopes
La pollution plastique, c’est aussi les micro et nano particules … Et, bien que ces déchets nous paraissent invisibles, ils n’en sont pas moins dangereux. La science nous dit pourquoi.
Tellement cliché !
Des stéréotypes de genre, véhiculés dans le monde du travail ou encore par la publicité accablent l’image et notre représentation des femmes. Le mythe de la superwoman en est une variante. Réflexions sur une imagerie féminine stigmatisante.
Raphaël Liogier : Descente au cœur du mâle
Dans son ouvrage, le sociologue et philosophe entend décrypter les mécanismes de « domination masculine » ainsi que le mouvement #MeToo.
La puissance des stéréotypes de genre
Les femmes, à l’écoute et peu autoritaires ? Les hommes, stratèges et carriéristes ? Inès Dauvergne, spécialiste des questions de diversité, revient sur notre perception très genrée des compétences.
Rencontre avec Jana Messer, cheffe d'acierie
Cette femme dirige la production d’un site sidérurgique produisant un million de tonnes d’acier par an. Comment évoluer dans cet univers si masculin ?
You can't be what you can't see
Échange avec Laura Jones, autrice d’une étude portant sur la sous-représentation des femmes dans les médias britanniques.
Quand les entreprises sensibilisent leurs salarié futures recrues
Au Luxembourg, des initiatives sont mises en place afin d’accompagner les femmes dans leur devenir professionnel. Objectif ? Sensibiliser dès le plus jeune âge.
Lutter contre les freins visibles et invisibles
Delphine Bath, Directrice RH chez la Mondiale Europartner, développe un environnement où l’égalité femme-homme est avant tout un gage de performance.
Surendettement : le Luxembourg aussi concerné
Dans l’ombre de la place forte financière, le surendettement entache bien le quotidien de certains ménages luxembourgeois. Un sujet tabou à briser.
Un enjeu sociétal à traiter collectivement
Le surendettement est une problématique qui n’épargne personne. Particuliers, entreprises ou force étatique, les clefs d’une bonne gestion se trouvent dans l’éducation financière et l’accompagnement.
Pousser l’éducation financière pour prévenir les situations à risque
Éclairages de Danielle Berna Ost, Secrétaire Générale de la Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier au Luxembourg.
The instantaneity tyranny
In a society marked by speed and immediacy, the new evil of the century lies in a permanent sense of urgency. Our brain is reduced to an absolute devotion to the whirlwind of the moment.
Quick and Dirty! Facing the Diktat of Urgency at Work
The information flow is speeding up and the pace of work organisation is increasing. What are the impacts on our well-being and performance?
Too Fast Too Furious?
A barometer assesses workforce's relation to time.
Hyper-acceleration and Infobesity in Companies
Infobesity, information management, and digital availability expert Caroline Sauvajol-Rialland advises us on information surge.
Those Falling Giants
More than 2,000 trees are destroyed worldwide every minute. The stakes are unprecedented. Carbon sinks, biodiversity sanctuaries, pillars of food security... All regulating functions that must absolutely be preserved.
The Genius of the Tree in 20 Essential Services
Pictorial return on their essential contributions to our daily lives.
Tristan Lecomte : "Trees are the Best Investment on Earth"
Founder of PUR Projet Tristan Lecomte has already replanted millions of trees. Today, this serial entrepreneur shares with us 2 new projects.
Luxembourg's forests in critical condition
The Administration of Nature and Forests of Luxembourg's latest report reveals that more than half of the observed trees reveals a deteriorated health condition.
Frank Wolter: "It won't be the Same Forest"
Administration of Nature and Forestry of the Grand Duchy director Frank Wolter is concerned about the degradation of Luxembourg's woodland areas. Keys to understanding and courses of action.
La résilience venue du ciel ?
De l’agriculture à la santé, en passant par la logistique efficiente, ces bijoux de technologie se révèlent être des outils incontournables de résilience. Exploration d’un objet volant à identifier.
Thomas Le Coz : Capitaine du Sam Simon et chasseur d'images
Sea Shepherd utilise les drones pour veiller sur nos océans, des perspectives aériennes aujourd'hui indispensables à la défense des écosystèmes marins.
Molenbeek, une toute autre histoire
L’Atelier Groot Eiland, « Prix de l’Économie Sociale » 2019, est un lieu qui invente des nouvelles formes de solidarité et de vivre ensemble. Des projets concrets pour des besoins cruciaux.
La faillite de l'hyperstandardisation
Le système alimentaire mondial a atteint ses limites : écosystèmes dégradés, professions sous tension, désert nutritif... Et après notre façon XXL de cultiver et de consommer, quelles solutions pour demain ?
Le grand retour du local
Les consommateurs s'intéressent aux kilomètres dans leurs assiettes… et s’interrogent sur les répercussions de la mondialisation. Demain, tous locavores ?
Réflexions sur la résilience du système alimentaire luxembourgeois
Rachel Reckinger, anthropologue et sociologue de l'alimentation à l'Université du Luxembourg, dresse les voies d’un avenir alimentaire résilient pour le Grand-Duché.
Grand sol malade
Près d’un tiers des sols sont aujourd’hui dégradés par l’agriculture intensive. Face à cette catastrophe écologique, les méthodes régénératives tentent de redonner leur fertilité aux terres agricoles.
Birgit Cameron : « Une révolution se prépare »
La marque activiste Patagonia s’est lancée dans l’aventure de l’alimentaire durable. Rencontre avec Birgit Cameron qui orchestre cette branche d’activité d’une main résolument verte.
Svalbard, le coffre-fort de la diversité alimentaire mondiale
Et si vous deviez stocker le patrimoine agricole mondial de l’humanité en lieu sûr, où iriez-vous ? La solution se trouve au-dessus du cercle polaire, à -18°C …
Communiquer en contexte de défiance
Greenwashing, woke-washing, purpose-washing... La communication corporate en eaux troubles !
Quand le vert est à moitié vide
Nuances de vert et subtilités de l’argumentation écolo frauduleuse.
Les yeux rivés sur l'engagement social de la marque employeur
Un emploi porteur de sens est aujourd’hui ce qui pousse les jeunes à s’engager dans une entreprise. Plus que des paroles, plus que des symboles, des faits sont attendus !
Nos chaînes de vulnérabilité
Exit batman et superman aux pouvoirs surhumains, place aux métiers dits de première ligne. Nos héros ont changé. Epiphénomène ou tendance lourde ? Allons-nous vers une société du « care » ?
Fabienne Brugère : « L’humanité est vulnérable »
La philosophe et autrice de « L’éthique du care » appelle de ses vœux une société du soin et de l’attention aux autres.
Comment envisager le monde de demain ?
Ryadh Sallem, multi-champion paralympique et serial entrepreneur humaniste, signe une tribune refusant toute forme de fatalisme.
Des idées qui germent aux quatre coins du monde
Du Japon au Brésil, des initiatives locales inspirent le futur de notre alimentation. Rapide tour d’horizon.
Sociologie du « care »
Quels sont ces métiers dits de première ligne, qui doivent œuvrer in primum, pour assurer au prix de leur santé, le « plan de continuité » de notre société ?
Emmanuelle Duez : « Cette jeune génération vient interpeller les modèles d'hier et le monde de l'entreprise »
Spécialiste de la question des générations nouvelles, cette serial entrepreneuse analyse un monde en transformation. Les Y et Z sont-ils porteurs d’un changement de rupture ?
Une nouvelle génération en quête de sens au travail
Représentant désormais plus de la moitié de la main d’œuvre mondiale, les millennials n’acceptent plus les codes traditionnels du travail. Quelques chiffres pour comprendre.
Portrait-robot des millennials luxembourgeois
Stéphanie Damgé, Directrice de Jonk Entrepreneuren, nous éclaire sur la jeune génération au Grand-Duché.
Corporate gardens
Fermes et jardins urbains, potagers sur les toits des entreprises… une vague verte pour améliorer le bien-être des citadins et favoriser le circuit-court.
Une agriculture urbaine florissante
De Montréal à Singapour, zoom sur ces métropoles qui misent sur les promesses de l’agriculture urbaine.
Arnaud Herrmann : l'homme aux 1000 potagers
Le Directeur du développement durable d'AccorHotels ambitionne de reverdir le premier groupe hôtelier européen. Il répond à nos questions et partage sa stratégie d’hospitalité positive.
Marielle Dubbeling : « Le besoin ne se fait pas encore sentir au Luxembourg »
Entretien avec la directrice de la fondation RUAF, spécialiste de l’agriculture urbaine et de la sécurité alimentaire. Elle appelle à de nouvelles réglementations.
Urban farming et fonctions nobles des bâtiments
Faire revenir l’agriculture en ville. Voilà l’ambition que partage dans cette tribune Bruno Renders, directeur général du groupe CDEC au Luxembourg. Une approche qui passe par de nouvelles fonctions pour les bâtiments.
L'agriculture urbaine dans les friches industrielles
Une nouvelle vie pour ces terres abandonnées qui représentent un important vecteur de développement urbain. Un potentiel qui appelle cependant un principe de précaution.
MyFood, la start-up qui pousse
Des digital natives sont à l’origine d’un concept innovant : des serres connectées solaires et facile d’utilisation. Mots d’ordre : « Connecter pour re-connecter ».
Du virtuel aux impacts réels
L'ère du tout digital et de l'homo connectus est aussi celle de la pollution numérique. Décryptage.
Infobésité, FOMO et nomophobie…
Nouvelles formes d'addiction, difficultés de concentration ou de mémorisation... Quelles sont les dysfonctions cognitives que provoque l’usage intensif de contenus d’informations numériques?
Du droit à la déconnexion
L’avènement du digital a estompé les frontières entre vies professionnelle et privée. Atteint-on les limites de la connexion permanente ?
People's Vote Projects : les gagnants
100 secondes pour présenter une pratique innovante : c’est le défi qu’ont relevé certaines organisations luxembourgeoises lors du Sustainability Forum 2017. Coup de projecteur sur la Troisième Révolution Industrielle en pratique.
Une immersion dangereuse
Chaque minute, un million de bouteilles plastiques sont achetées. À cette cadence effrénée également, l’équivalent d’un camion à ordures de ce matériau des temps modernes est déversé dans l’océan... Exploration d’un monde de plastique.
Des solutions à l'étude
Voici 10 entreprises qui ont repensé leur utilisation du plastique. De bactéries capables de détruire le PET aux bouteilles recyclées, ces marques ont dû se montrer inventives pour faire face au défi des déchets.
« C’est l’acheteur qui a toutes les clefs »
La spécialiste des achats responsables, Sandrine Grumberg, revient sur les nombreuses solutions qui s’offrent aux entreprises dont la mise en place d’une politique d’achats durables.
Communicating in a World of Mistrust
Greenwashing, woke-washing, purpose-washing... Corporate communication in troubled waters!
Fifty Shades of Green
Shades of green and subtleties of the eco-fraud argument.
Eyes on Social Engagement of the Employer Brand
A meaningful job today is what drives young people to get involved in a company. More than words, more than symbols, facts are expected!
Our Chains of Vulnerability
Exit Batman and Superman and their superpowers, make way for the so-called "front-line jobs". Our heroes have changed. Epiphenomenon or heavy trend? Are we moving towards a "care" society?
Fabienne Brugère: "Humanity is vulnerable"
The philosopher and author of L’éthique du care calls for a society that is concerned with the care and attention of others.
Envisioning a World for Tomorrow
Paralympic multi-champion and humanist serial entrepreneur Ryadh Sallem signs a tribune refusing all forms of fatalism.
Sociology of "Care"
What are these so-called front-line professions, tolling to ensure our society's "continuity plan" sometimes at the cost of their own health?
The Fall of Hyper-standardisation
Degraded ecosystems, stressed professions, nutritious desert...The world food system has reached its limits. And after our XXL-way of cultivating and consuming, what solutions for tomorrow?
Local is Back
Consumers are concerned about the mileage on their plates... and the impact of globalization. Tomorrow, all locavores?
Some Reflections on the Resilience of Luxembourg's Food System
Rachel Reckinger, anthropologist and food sociologist at the University of Luxembourg, outlines the paths to a resilient food future for the Grand Duchy.
Depleted Soil
Almost a third of the soil is now degraded by intensive agriculture. Faced with this ecological disaster, regenerative methods are trying to restore the fertility of agricultural land.
Birgit Cameron : "There is a Revolution Brewing"
The activist brand Patagonia has embarked on the sustainable food. Meet Birgit Cameron, the woman who orchestrates this branch of activity with a resolutely green hand.
Svalbard, The World's Food Diversity Vault
If you had to store the world's agriculture heritage in a safe place, where would you go? The solution lies above the Artic Circle, at -18°C...
Ideas sprouting up all over the world
From Japan to Brazil, local initiatives inspire our food future. A quick overview.
Molenbeek, a Completely Different Story
Awarded the 2019 "Social Economy Prize", the Atelier Groot Eiland is a place that invents new forms of solidarity and living together. Concrete projects for crucial needs.
Resilience from the Sky?
From agriculture to health-care and efficient logistics, these technological gems are proving to be essential tools for resilience. Exploration of a flying object to be identified.
Thomas Le Coz: Captain of the Sam Simon and Photographer
Sea Shepherd uses drones to watch over our oceans, these aerial perspectives are now essential to the defence of marine ecosystems.
A Strategy that Hits the Target!
What connection does a fly depicted at the bottom of a urinal and a Nobel Prize in Economics have in common? Indeed, the link is not so clear…
Nudging the Employees
A new tool in the panoply of HR and Management methods to improve the interest of employees and companies?
"A Shared Vision for a Sustainable Europe"
Co-founder of CSR Europe Jan Noterdaeme invites us to build a sustainable Europe. What ambitions for 2030?
Quand l'impulsion vient de l'europe
Europe in the Driver's Seat
Through its institutions, the EU aims to become the driving force behind a new model. Focus on its initiatives to build a responsible world.
Sustainable Development, Key Priority for European Institutions in Luxembourg
Reminder on the commitment of the European institutions based in the Grand-Duchy to Agenda 2030.
Behind the Scenes of the European Investment Bank
Meet with the experts of the Climate Bank.
Marjut Santoni: Ambitions for the Climate Bank
The Secretary-General of the EIB reveals the key role of this institution in financing a sustainable European economy.
Towards a European Duty of Disclosure
Corporate Responsibility Leader at PwC Valérie Arnold discusses the European directive related to the publication of non-financial information. Keywords: confidence and transparency.
Alexander Farsan: companies called to listen to science to define their emission reduction paths
The Global head of Science-Based Targets at WWF reminds us of the extreme necessity to stay below 1.5°C of global warming. The panda organisation is sounding the alarm.
Electrolux is now preparing to become climate neutral
The household appliance giant is leading the way in reducing CO2 emissions. Meet with Henrik Sundström, chef orchestror of this transition.
A Green Desk to finance the energy transition
Anne-Sophie Dufresne, Director of the Corporate Bank at BGL BNP Paribas answers our questions.
Entre craintes et espoirs
Quel chemin parcouru depuis 2007, année électrochoc, qui marque un tournant dans la prise de conscience des enjeux de développement durable, de cette « vérité qui dérange » désormais présente aux yeux de tous ?
Le pouls des entreprises
Une enquête a été menée auprès des membres d’IMS Luxembourg afin de mesurer leur niveau d’engagement en matière de RSE et leur contribution à l’Agenda 2030 du pays.
Lewis Pugh : 10 ans de course pour l'environnement
Nageur de l’extrême, il a notamment parcouru 1 kilomètre dans les eaux glacées du pôle Nord. Ses défis périlleux sont autant d’invitations à saisir l’urgence climatique.
Companies that Say Stop to Single-Use Plastic
No more plastic cups, bottles or stirrers in our offices! Organizations in Luxembourg have taken action by signing the Zero Single-Use Plastic manifesto to fight against this ecological disaster.
Single-Use Plastics: True from False
Do plastics contribute to global warming? Are babies born pre-polluted? Is bio-based plastic the solution? Here are some answers to help you distinguish between reliable information and preconceived ideas.
Under the Eye of Microscopes
Plastic pollution is also micro and nano particles and although this waste seems invisible to us, it is no less dangerous. Science tells us why.
So Cliché!
Gender stereotypes overwhelm the image and representation of women. The Superwoman myth is but one variant. Reflections on a stigmatized feminine imagery.
Raphaël Liogier: Descent to the Male's Core
Sociologist and philosopher Raphaël Liogier intends to decipher the mechanisms of "male domination" as well as the #MeToo movement.
The Power of Gender Stereotypes
Are women attentive and less authoritarian? Men, strategists and careerists? Diversity expert Inès Dauvergne picks up on our very gendered perception of skills.
Meet Jana Messer, Head of Steelplant
She runs a steel site producing 1 million tons of steel a year. How do women evolve in such a masculine world?
You Can't Be what you Can't See
Exchange with Laura Jones, the author of a study on the under-representation of women in the British media.
When companies raise awareness among their employees…and their future recruits
In Luxembourg, initiatives are being implemented to support women in their professional development. The objective? To raise awareness from a very young age.
Fighting visible and invisible obstacles
Delphine Bath, Head of Human Resources at La Mondiale Europartner, develops an environment where gender equality is above all a performance guarantee.
Over-indebtedness: Luxembourg is no exception
In the shadow of the financial stronghold, over-indebtedness has become a daily problem for some Luxembourg households. A taboo subject to be broken.
Societal Challenges to be Treated Collectively
Over-indebtedness is a problem that spares no one. Individuals, companies or state authorities, the keys to good management lie in financial education and support.
Promoting financial education to prevent risky situations
Insights by Danielle Berna Ost Secretary, General of the Commission for the Surveillance of the Financial Sector in Luxembourg.
Corporate Gardens
Farms and urban gardens, greenhouses on company rooftops... A green wave to improve the wellbeing of city dwellers and encourage short circuits.
A Flourishing Urban Agriculture
From Montreal to Singapore, a closer look on these metropolises that bet on urban agriculture's promises.
Arnaud Herrmann: The man with the 1,000 gardens
AccorHotels' Sustainable Development Director aims to green up Europe leading hotel group. He answers our questions and shares his positive hospitality strategy.
Marielle Dubbeling: "People in Luxembourg don't feel the need yet"
Interview with RUAF Foundation Director, and urban agriculture and food security specialist Marielle Dubelling. The time for new regulations has come.
Urban farming and buildings’ noble function
Bringing agriculture back to the city. This is the ambition shared by Luxembourg General Manager of CDEC Group Bruno Renders in this forum. An approach that involves new functions for buildings.
Urban Agriculture in Brownfields
A new life for these abandoned lands which represent an important vector of urban development. Still, this potential calls for a precautionary principle.
Myfood, a Start-up that Grows
Solar-connected, easy-to-use greenhouses. An innovative concept backed by digital natives seeking to "connect to re-connect".
A Hazardous Immersion
One million plastic bottles are bought every minute in the world. At this frenetic rate, the equivalent of one rubbish truckload of this "modern-day material" is dumped into the ocean... Exploration of a plastic world.
Solutions are in the making
Discover 10 companies that have redesigned their use of plastics. From PET-destroying bacteria to recycled bottles, these brands had to be inventive to meet the waste challenge.
"The purchaser has the power"
Sustainable Purchasing Manager, Sandrine Grumberg, presents the many solutions available to companies that seeking to implement a sustainable purchasing policy.
Emmanuelle Duez: "This young generation is challenging yesterday’s models and first and foremost the corporate world"
Specialist in new generations issues, this serial businesswoman analyses our changing world. Are Y and Zs the bearers of a breakthrough change?
A new Generation searching for Meaning at Work
Now representing more than half of the world's workforce, millennials no longer accept traditional labour codes. A few figures to understand.
The profile of a Luxembourg Millennial
Director of Jonk Entrepreneuren Stéphanie Damgé enlightens us on the young generation in the Grand Duchy.
Un monde en mouvement
Corollaire des catastrophes environnementales : les migrations. Attention, le phénomène s’accélère.
Les migrations environnementales représentent plus de déplacements que les violences et conflits
Chargée de programmes à l’Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations, Daria Mokhnacheva revient sur les sujets des migrations et du changement climatique.
Une véritable opportunité économique, environnementale et sociale
Acteur engagé de l’économie circulaire au Luxembourg, Romain Poulles analyse les potentialités de ce nouveau modèle.
Du jetable au durable
L’économie circulaire, qui vise à faire circuler les ressources en boucle pour les préserver, revisite notre rapport au capital naturel et entend mettre à bas le modèle de production linéaire d’une société du jetable.
Walter Stahel : à l’origine du concept « du berceau au berceau »
Un des pères de l’économie circulaire, le fondateur de l’Institut de la durée de Genève nous éclaire sur les bénéfices environnementaux ainsi que sociétaux d’une économie en boucle.
Des initiatives qui tournent rond au Luxembourg
Ça tourne rond pour de nombreuses entreprises au Grand-Duché.
Les entreprises à la traîne au Luxembourg
De la déclaration d’intention à la pratique effective, des progrès restent encore à accomplir au sein des organisations du Grand-Duché.
Comment intégrer le handicap dans la politique de l’entreprise ?
Dans cette tribune, la spécialiste du handicap Gwenaël Berthélemé-Saudreau revient sur le bien-fondé des démarches entreprises en la matière dans le secteur privé. Une invitation à passer à l’action.
Une expérience partagée, deux regards sur le handicap en entreprise
Céline Piccolo, agent de service en situation de handicap et Claire Talbot-Aliberti, en charge de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion chez Sodexo Luxembourg, partagent leurs retours d’expérience en matière d’intégration.
Un virage historique ?
Un virage historique est en marche au Luxembourg. Une nouvelle stratégie économique à l’échelle nationale se prépare : la Troisième Révolution Industrielle.
Jeremy Rifkin : l'architecte de la 3e Révolution Industrielle
Entretien avec l’incontournable théoricien économique et social ainsi que fervent activiste du développement durable. Il nous présente les éléments clefs d’une transition vers un nouveau paradigme économique durable, présenté comme l’unique solution pour faire face à l’obsolescence du modèle actuel.
Étienne Schneider : Luxembourg, premier pays à s'engager
Fier du lancement de la Troisième Révolution Industrielle à un niveau national, l’ancien Vice-Premier ministre nous fait part du rôle pionnier que joue le Grand-Duché d’un point de vue économique. Mots d’ordre : innovation et durabilité.
Une dynamique prometteuse en Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Retour d’expérience de Philippe Vasseur, Président de la Chambre du Commerce et d’Industrie de la région.
Bertrand Piccard : embarquez à bord du Solar Impulse
À bord du premier avion zéro-carburant, l’aéronaute suisse repousse les frontières du possible et écrit une page prometteuse de l’Histoire : voler autour de la Terre à la force du soleil.
Face à l’explosion du phénomène
Le syndrome d’épuisement professionnel, est parfois décrit comme le mal des temps modernes. Comment se définit-il ? Comment le prévenir ? Réponses du POG.
Patrick Mesters : « Les organisations qui osent affronter le burn-out en sortent grandies »
Au-delà des conséquences humaines, quelles-sont celles pour l’entreprise ? Le Fondateur de L’institut Européen de Recherche sur le Burn-out répond à nos questions.
Pratiques d'ici et d'ailleurs
À travers le monde, des initiatives ont émergé afin de favoriser le bien-être et de réduire l’épuisement professionnel.
Prévention et diagnostic en entreprises
Stéphanie Deitz, Coordinatrice Diversité, nous renseigne sur les pratiques instaurées chez ING Luxembourg face au phénomène du burn-out. Un programme comprenant communication, formation, encadrement et écoute.
Gaby Wagner : « Renforcer l’employabilité des demandeurs d’emploi en situation de handicap »
Directrice adjointe chargée du développement de l’emploi et de la formation à l’ADEM, elle nous éclaire sur les dispositifs existants pour les demandeurs d’emploi en statut de salarié handicapé.
Virtual realms with tangible impacts
The era of all-digital and homo connectus is also the era of digital pollution. Deciphering.
Infobesity, FOMO & nomophobia…
New forms of addiction, difficulty concentrating or memorising... What are the cognitive dysfunctions caused by the intensive use of digital information content?
The Right to Disconnect
The advent of digital technology has blurred the lines between professional and private life. Are we approaching the limits of permanent connection?
Jean Jouzel : Towards a Civilisational Change
The French Glaciologist and Climatologist draws up a striking report on the warming of our planet. He calls for seizing the many opportunities for innovation to be ecologically and economically successful.
Possible Future Scenarios
CIRED experts analyse the plurality of climate changes we are experiencing.
Lewis Pugh: A 10-year race for the environment
As an extreme swimmer, he successfully completed 1 kilometre in the icy waters of the North Pole. His perilous challenges open up our eyes to the climate urgency.
The Pulse of Companies
A survey was conducted among the members of IMS Luxembourg to measure their level of commitment to CSR and their contribution to the country's Agenda 2030.
Hope & Fear
2007. An eye-opening year on sustainable development challenges. This "inconvenient truth" is now visible to all. But how far have we really come?
A World on the Move
Migration : a consequence of environmental disasters. Beware, the phenomenon is accelerating.
Environmental Migrations Represent more Displacements than Violence and Conflicts
Programme Officer at the International Organisation for Migrations Daria Moknacheva discusses migration and climate change topics.
Companies Lagging Behind in Luxembourg
From a declaration of intent to actual practice, there is still progress to be made within the organisations of the Grand Duchy.
How to Integrate Disability into Corporate Policy?
In this tribune, Disability Specialist Gwenaël Berthélemé-Saudreau comes back to the merits of the steps taken in this field in the private sector. An invitation to take action.
A Shared Experience, Two Insights into Disability in the Workplace
Céline Piccolo, disability service agent and Claire Talbot-Aliberti, in charge of Diversity and Inclusion at Sodexo Luxembourg, share their feedback on integration.
Gaby Wagner: "Strengthening the employability of people with disabilities"
Deputy Director responsible for the employment and training development atthe ADEM, she enlightens us on the existing schemes for jobseekers with disabled employee status.
A Real Economic, Environmental and Social Opportunity
A committed actor of the circular economy in Luxembourg, Romain Poulles analyses the potential of this new model.
From Disposable to Sustainable
Circular economy, which aims to circulate resources in a loop in order to preserve them, revisits our relationship to natural capital and intends to overthrow the linear production model of a disposable society.
Walter Stahel: The origin of “cradle-to-cradle”
Pioneer of the circular economy and Founder of the Product-Life Institute Genova Walter Sahel gives us an insight into the environmental and societal benefits of a loop economy.
Initiatives that are going well in Luxembourg
Many companies are prospering in the Grand Duchy.
A Historic Turning Point?
A historic turning point is underway in Luxembourg. A new economic strategy at a national level is being prepared: the Third Industrial Revolution.
Bertrand Piccard: Get aboard the Solar Impulse
Aboard the first zero-fuel plane! Swiss Aeronaut Bertrand Piccard tests the limits of what is possible and writes a promising page in history: flying around the Earth with the force of the sun.
Facing the Explosion of the Phenomenon
Burnout is sometimes described as the "modern day disease". How is it define and how can we prevent it? Answers from the POG.
Patrick Mesters : “Organisations that dare to face burnouts will grow”
Beyond human consequences, how does it affect the company? Founder of the European Burn-out Research Institute Patrick Mesters answers our questions.
Practices from Around the World
Initiatives have emerged to promote well-being and reduce burnout all around the world.
Prevention and Diagnostic in Companies
Diversity Coordinator Stéphanie Deitz presents the practices implemented at ING Luxembourg to deal with burnout. A programme including communication, training, mentoring and listening.
Jeremy Rifkin: The Architect of the 3rd Industrial Revolution
Interview with the leading economic and social theorist and fervent activist for sustainable development. He presents the key elements of a transition to a new sustainable economic paradigm, presented as the only solution to the obsolescence of the current model.
Étienne Schneider: Luxembourg, first country to commit
Former Deputy Prime Minister Étienne Schneider tells us about the pioneering role played by the Grand Duchy from an economic point of view. Keywords: innovation and sustainability.
A Promising Dynamic in Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Feedback from Philippe Vasseur, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the region.
People's Vote Projects: The Winners
100 seconds to present an innovative practice: this is the challenge taken up by some Luxembourg organizations at the Sustainability Forum 2017. Spotlight on the Third Industrial Revolution in practice.
Anne Larigauderie : Porte-parole d’un million d’espèces menacées
À la tête de l’IPBES, l'institution référente sur le sujet de la biodiversité, elle dresse un état des lieux sans concession de l’état du vivant et présente les enjeux de la décennie à venir.
Anne Larigauderie : Spokesperson for One Million Threatened Species
As head of the IPBES, one of the leading institutions on biodiversity, she gives an uncompromising assessment of the state of living organisms. She presents the challenges of the coming decade.
Les migrations environnementales représentent plus de déplacements que les violences et conflits
Chargée de programmes à l’Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations, Daria Mokhnacheva revient sur les sujets des migrations et du changement climatique.
Curridabat la douce
À la « Ciudad Dulce », cité douce ou « sucrée » du Costa Rica, pollinisateurs, colibris, arbres et plantes endémiques ont désormais une place de choix dans l’aménagement de la ville.
Sweet Curridabat
In "Ciudad Dulce", Costa Rica's "Sweet City”, pollinators, hummingbirds, trees and endemic plants now have a prominent place in the city's development.
Melanie Bishop: Living Seawalls in Sydney, a refuge between the tides
Meet Melanie Bishop, a passionate professor of biological sciences at Macquarie University and one of the three co-directors of "living seawalls" project.
Melanie Bishop : « Digues vivantes » à Sydney, un refuge entre les marées
Rencontre avec Melanie Bishop, professeure passionnée de sciences biologiques à l'Université Macquarie et l'une des trois co-directrices de ce projet inédit.
Voyageurs de la nuit : Les wagons-lits sont de retour !
Traverser les immensités sans quitter son lit, se laisser bercer par le balancement indolent des wagons, compter les moutons à travers la vitre… Oui, le train de nuit est de retour !
Tatouages : les clichés ont la peau dure
À l’épaule, au bras ou à la cheville... le tatouage s'impose dans la rue ! Mais quelle est sa place dans le monde professionnel ?
Le tatouage au travail : liberté individuelle ou stigmatisation ?
Que dit la loi au Luxembourg ? Maître Gianluca LAERA, avocat à la Cour au sein de l'étude DSM Avocats à la Cour, fait le point.
Perceptions du tatouage dans le monde professionnel luxembourgeois
IMS Luxembourg a réalisé des sondages auprès des employés et des employeurs sur la perception du tatouage en entreprise.
Garder notre planète vivante
La 6ème extinction de masse s’accélère. L’équilibre naturel mondial est profondément modifié. La science tire la sonnette d'alarme. Saura-t-on enrayer la chute du vivant ?
Initiatives pour la biodiversité du Grand-Duché
Saviez-vous qu’au Luxembourg les loups et les lynx font partie des espèces protégées ? À travers ses forêts couvrant plus d’un tiers du territoire et ses orchidées surprenantes, le pays abrite une biodiversité insoupçonnée.
Autoportrait, auto-thérapie
Cristina Nuñez a trouvé dans la photographie la possibilité d’un acte cathartique et libérateur. Cette artiste espagnole, ancienne héroïnomane et prostituée, s’est libérée de ses démons grâce à une approche singulière de l’autoportrait.
Self-portrait, Self-therapy
Cristina Nuñez found in photography the possibility of a cathartic and liberating act. This Spanish artist, a former heroin addict and prostitute, freed herself from her demons through a singular approach to self-portraiture.
Tattoos: Clichés are Hard to Break
On the shoulder, on the arm or on the ankle... tattoos are a must in the streets! But what is its status in the workplace?
Tattoo in the workplace: Individual Freedom or Stigmatisation?
What does the Luxembourg law say? Gianluca LAERA, lawyer at DSM Avocats à la Cour takes stock.
Perceptions of tattoos in the Luxembourg professional environment
IMS Luxembourg conducted surveys among employees and employers on the perception of tattoos in companies.
Initiatives for Biodiversity in the Grand Duchy
Did you know that wolves and lynxes are protected species in Luxembourg? With its forests characterised by remarkable trees covering more than a third of the territory and stunning orchids, the country is home to an unexpected biodiversity.
Night Travelers: the Sleeping Cars are Back!
Taking in the vastness without leaving your bed, being lulled by the slow rhythm of railway carriages, counting sheep through the window... Night trains are back!
Questions d'usages...
L'heure est venue : exit le plastique ! Réfléchissons au matériel « dont il ne faut pas prononcer le nom », questionnons nos usages et tentons de trouver des alternatives capables de le remplacer.
A matter of usage...
The time has come: no more plastic! Let's think about the materiel "whose name must not be pronounced", let's question our uses and try to find alternatives capable of replacing it.
Comment la biodiversité protège notre santé
Marie-Monique Robin dévoile son tout dernier film documentaire : La fabrique des pandémies. Elle y signe un constat sans appel : si rien n’est fait pour enrayer la destruction des écosystèmes, nous connaîtrons des épidémies de plus vaste ampleur encore.
Réconcilier nature et économie
Nous sommes-nous demandés à quel point la vie que nous menons dépend de la nature ? Plus que jamais, le monde doit revoir fondamentalement la façon dont la société mesure la réussite économique s'il veut enrayer le déclin rapide de la biodiversité qui menace.
Le monde ralentit, la nature s'éveille
Pour la faune et la flore encore existantes, des signes encourageants permettent d'espérer qu'il ne soit trop tard. Des voies d'espoir pour inverser le déclin.
Keeping our Planet Alive
The sixth mass extinction is accelerating. The world’s natural balance is being profoundly altered, leading to irreversible changes in climate and ecosystems. Study after study, science is alerting us. Will we be able to prevent the decline of life?
How Biodiversity Protects our Health
Marie-Monique Robin unveils her latest documentary film: La fabrique des pandémies. The film makes a compelling statement: if nothing is done to halt the destruction of ecosystems, we will experience epidemics of even greater proportions.
Reconciling Nature and Economics
Have we ever considered how much of our lives depend on nature? More than ever, the world needs to fundamentally rethink the way society measures economic success if it is to stop the rapid decline in biodiversity that threatens.
The world slows down, nature awakens
For the remaining fauna and flora, there are encouraging signs that it is not too late. Hopeful ways to reverse the decline.
Geev : plateforme au grand succès
Des dons et des objets de récupération qui attendent une seconde vie. Deux maîtres mots : solidarité et anti-gaspi. C'est le principe de l'application Geev.
Geev: a Successful Platform
Donations and recovered objects waiting for a second life. Two key words: solidarity and anti-waste. This is the principle of the Geev application.
Discriminations sur la nationalité : le paradoxe luxembourgeois
Le Grand-Duché est une terre d'immigration où plus de 170 nationalités se côtoient. Cependant, près d'une discrimination sur deux concerne la nationalité...
Discrimination on Nationality: The Luxembourg Paradox
The Grand Duchy is a land of immigration where more than 170 nationalities live side by side. However, almost one out of two discriminations concerns nationality...
Kitayama, et l'arbre sera sauvé
Si le bois est un matériau écologique de choix, sa production est bien souvent peu durable. Pourtant, au pays du Soleil-Levant, une pratique ancestrale née dans les montagnes de Kitayama, perdure.
Kitamaya, and the Tree Will be Saved
Although wood is an ecological material of choice, its production is rarely sustainable. However, in the Land of the Rising Sun, an ancestral practice born in the Kitayama Mountains lives on.
Rendre visible l'invisible
La comptabilité traditionnelle ne considère que les données financières pour déduire la richesse d'une entreprise. La nature et les employés, parties du bilan ?
Pour une révolution comptable
Jacques Richard nous livre certaines idées de son ouvrage « Révolution comptable. Pour une entreprise écologique et sociale ». Ce spécialiste de comptabilité écologique nous présente sa méthode CARE.
Cas pratique
Un exemple concret de la méthode CARE.
Cagnolle, une ferme modèle
À la pointe en matière d’agroécologie, l’exploitation a récemment converti son bilan et son compte de résultat à des pratiques plus respectueuses de la nature et l’Homme. Explications.
Making the invisible visible
Traditional accounting only considers the financial data of a company to deduce its profits. Nature, employees part of the balance sheet?
Calling for a Revolution in Accounting
Jacques Richard shares some of his ideas from his book "Révolution comptable. Pour une entreprise écologique et sociale". This specialist in ecological accounting presents his CARE model.
Case Study
A concrete example of the CARE model. 
Cagnolle, a model farm
At the cutting edge of agroecology, the farm has recently converted its balance sheet and profit and loss account to practices that are more respectful of nature and humans. Explanations.
L'impression additive au chevet du monde animal
Savez-vous que la 3D contribue à la préservation de la faune ? Prothèses animales, murs « vivants », récifs artificiels... Tour d'horizon de ces projets d'aujourd'hui et de demain. 
Additive manufacturing to the rescue of the animal world
Did you know that 3D printing contributes to the preservation of wildlife?  Animal prostheses, "living green walls", artificial reefs...  Find out more about these projects of today and tomorrow.
james smith
COP26, A Watershed Moment for Business Action in 2022
James Smith, Director of Natural Climate Solutions at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), looks back at the momentum generated by business at COP 26.
james smith
COP26, un moment décisif pour l'action des entreprises en 2022
James Smith, directeur de la branche Natural Climate Solutions au sein du World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), revient sur la dynamique impulsée par les entreprises lors de la COP 26.
Entretien avec Alexis Rosenfeld : explorateur du monde sous-marin
Plongeur et photographe, il explore les mystères de l'océan et nous en partage ses beautés. Missionné par l’UNESCO pour le projet « 1 OCEAN, le grand témoignage sur l’océan », il nous raconte ses explorations.
Meet with Alexis Rosenfeld: explorer of the underwater world
Diver and photographer, he explores the mysteries of the underwater world and shares its wonders. Commissioned by UNESCO for the "1 OCEAN, The Anatomy" project, he tells us about this exploration.
Ne plus attendre !
La spécialiste des droits humains, Charlotte Michon appelle les entreprises à dépasser le strict respect de la conformité.
Cannot wait any longer!
Human rights expert Charlotte Michon calls on companies to go beyond compliance.
Putting Values into Practice
SanLucar delivers more than 740 tons of fruit, juices and smoothies every day. Its operations have led it to reflect on human rights issues, a subject on which the company wishes to set an example.
Des valeurs aux actes
SanLucar livre chaque jour plus de 740 tonnes de fruits, de jus et de smoothies. Ses exploitations l'amènent à réfléchir aux questions de droits humains, un sujet sur lequel l'entreprise souhaite donner l'exemple.
Montée en puissance du devoir de vigilance en matière de droits humains
Selon Martijn Scheltema, « Les entreprises doivent se suppléer aux gouvernements quand ces derniers n'assument pas cette responsabilité. »
Rise of Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence
According to Martijn Scheltema: "business is expected to respect human rights even if governments do not fulfill their responsabilities". 
Vers de nouvelles responsabilités pour les entreprises au Luxembourg
Un vent nouveau souffle sur les législations en matière de droits humains et d’environnement dans le monde des entreprises. Des changements positifs qu’il est important de comprendre et d’anticiper.
Towards new responsibilities for companies in Luxembourg
A new wind of change is blowing trough human rights and environmental legislation in the corporate world. Positive changes that are important to understand and anticipate.
Des droits bafoués derrière les produits que nous achetons
Minerais, textile, alimentation... les objets que vous utilisez au quotidien ont parfois des histoires difficiles à entendre.
Rights Denied Behind the Products we Buy
Minerals, textiles, food... the objects you use every day have stories that are sometimes difficult to hear.
Climate Heroes
Max Riché has captured the faces of Ramborn. A cider factory that is working to regenerate more than one million square metres of ancient orchards.
Climate Heroes
Max Riché, à travers son objectif, a capté les visages de Ramborn. Une cidrerie qui agit pour régénérer plus d'un million de mètres carrés d'anciens vergers.
Le grand retour de la voile !
Après des décennies de commerce maritime au fioul lourd ou diesel, les voiles sont à nouveau hissées pour ouvrir de nouvelles voies décarbonées sur les mers. Découverte d’une filière vélique en plein essor.
Zoom sur 5 types de formats éoliens
Profil épais, kites, rotors, profils aspirés ou minces ? Le Sustainability Mag vous présente 5 types de formats éoliens.
Cap sur le Zéro-Émission
4200 mètres carrés de voilure, 136 mètres de long, un système météorologique et de routage innovant : présentation du Néoliner par Jean Zanuttini.
Sailing's Great Comeback!
After decades of heavy fuel oil or diesel-fuelled shipping, the sails are once again being hoisted to open up new, low-carbon routes on the seas. Discover a booming sail industry.
Focus on 5 types of wind formats
Thick profiles, kites, rotors, suction profiles or thin profiles? The Sustainability Mag presents you 5 types of wind formats.
Sailing for Zero-Emission
4,200 square metres of sail area, 136 metres in length, an innovative weather and routing system: presentation of the Neoliner by Jean Zanuttini.
Comment produire un cinéma vert ?
Les films inspirent, influencent, et divertissent quotidiennement des millions de personnes dans le monde, mais à quel prix pour l’environnement ?
Des tournages plus écolos
Sans abandonner la magie du cinéma, donner l’exemple à l’écran est possible. Le Sustainability Mag vous présente celles et ceux qui ouvrent la voie.
Écoréférent·e en production
Pauline Gil occupe désormais un poste qui devrait prendre de l'ampleur face à l'urgence climatique.
Le cinéma sur petits et très petits écrans, plus polluant ?
La diffusion numérique semble peut-être dématérialisée mais elle n’est pourtant pas immatérielle. Centres de données, terminaux, réseaux de diffusion… sont autant de technologies très énergivores ayant un réel impact sur la planète.
How to Produce a Green Cinema?
Films inspire, influence and entertain millions of people around the world every day, but at what cost for the environment?
Greener Shooting
Without abandoning the magic of cinema, it is possible to set an example on the screen. The Sustainability Mag introduces you to those who are leading the way.
Production Eco-Referent
Pauline Gil now occupies a position that is becoming ever more important because of the climate emergency!
Cinema on Small and very Small Screens more Polluting?
Digital broadcasting may seem dematerialised, but it is not immaterial. Data centres, terminals, broadcasting networks, etc. are all energy-intensive technologies that have a real impact on the state of the planet.
Un monde de plus en plus incertain
Growing Uncertainties
« Le changement climatique est sans doute la matrice de tous les autres risques  »
"Climate Change is Certainly the matrix for all Other Risks"
Sans plus attendre...
À l'occasion de la sortie du Sustainability Mag #13, retrouvez le billet de Christian Scharff, Président d'IMS Luxembourg, sur l'urgence d'agir.
Without further ado
On the occasion of the release of Sustainability Mag #13, read the post by Christian Scharff, President of IMS Luxembourg, on the urgency to act.
Ksar Tafilelt, l'oasis durable
La cité de Ksar Tafilelt a su composer avec l'hostilité de son environnement et propose aujourd'hui un modèle environnemental et de vie en communauté responsable.
test sauvegarde
Ksar Tafilelt, A Sustainable Oasis
Built in a particularly arid area, the city Ksar Tafilelt offers an environmental model and responsible community living.
300 Drones, 1 Message : Act Now !
L'ONG de protection de l'environnement Greenpeace UK a interpellé les dirigeants internationaux réunis en Cornouailles pour le sommet du G7.
300 Drones, 1 Message: Act Now!
Assurances et climat en chiffres
Être assureur, c’est maîtriser le risque, l’anticiper pour mieux s’y préparer. Avec le changement, l’équation n’a jamais été aussi complexe. On décompte pas moins de 274 catastrophes et 81 milliards de dollars de dommages imputables à ces événements extrêmes l’année dernière. Comment le secteur, au rôle plus que jamais central, fait-t-il face à cette nouvelle donne ?
Insurances and climate
Being an insurer means mastering risk, anticipating it to be better prepared. With climate change, the equation has never been so complex. How is the sector, which is more central than ever, coping with this new situation?
Technologie d’observation de la Terre
Alors que le dérèglement climatique provoque des catastrophes naturelles en cascade, la start-up de R&D luxembourgeoise développe des outils de mesure des risques liés à l'eau.
Earth Observation Technology
While climate change is provoking dramatic events worldwide, Luxembourg R&D start-up RSS-Hydro is innovating to prevent water-related risks.
Entering the Symbiocene
The Australian philosopher Glenn Albrecht has coined a number of neologisms, including the now-famous "solastalgia", which refers to the growing sense of psychological distress over the destruction of our environment.
Entrer dans le Symbiocène
Le philosophe autralien Glenn Albrecht est à l’origine de nombreux néologismes, dont le désormais connu « solastalgie », mettant le doigt sur ce sentiment grandissant de détresse psychique face à la destruction de notre environnement.
Le grand désarroi vert
Ils sont de plus en plus nombreux à frapper à la porte des psychothérapeutes, disant ne plus savoir comment vivre avec cette question environnementale qui les hante. Ce phénomène nouveau et grandissant porte le nom d' « éco-anxiété » et réfère à la peur chronique d'une catastrophe environnementale. Comment dépasser cette tétanie qui gagne une part de la population ? Comment transformer ces émotions en un mouvement à la hauteur de l’enjeu ?
The Great Green Disarray
More numerous than ever, they say they no longer know how to live with this environmental question haunting them. This emerging and growing phenomenon called "eco-anxiety" describes the chronic fear of environmental disaster. Today, we face a major challenge: how to overcome this tetany spreading among the population? How to transform these emotions into a movement that meets the challenge?
Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner is a poet from the Marshall Islands, a place which is suffering the effects of climate change and rising sea levels. Invited to testify at the opening ceremony of the UN Secretary General's Climate Summit in September 2014, she proclaimed this vibrant poem addressed to her newborn daughter. The reading was met with a standing ovation at the time. Today, these verses are considered a landmark text for the expression of solastalgia.
Entretien avec Frédéric Lilien
Plonger le spectateur dans la beauté fragile de notre monde, l’immerger dans les merveilles insondées et fébriles de notre planète pour alerter. C’est le pari du cinématographe amoureux de la nature, Frédéric Lilien.
Meeting with Frédéric Lilien
Transporting people to the beauty of our fragile world. Immersing the audience into these planet's unseen and feverish wonders to raise awareness about climate change. This was the gamble taken by the nature-loving cinematographer, Frédéric Lilien.
Homme et nature : la réconciliation ?
Les bienfaits d’une pause au vert ou face à l’océan ? Hubert Mansion et Julie Schadeck vous emmènent en forêt pour le vivre afin de vous réconcilier avec la toile du vivant.
Man and Nature: the Reconciliation?
Are there any benefits of a break in the green or facing the ocean? Hubert Mansion and Julie Schadeck take you to the forest to experience it to reconcile you with the living network.
Notre cerveau, ce grand coupable ?
Agir ou ne pas agir ? Parfois l'intention est là, mais elle n'est pas suivie des faits. Quels sont les facteurs déterminants des changements de comportements individuels et collectifs ? Docteur en neurosciences cognitives, Albert Moukheiber étudie les facteurs humains dans la résolution du défi environnemental.
Our brain, the great culprit?
Sometimes intention is there but it is not followed by acts. What are the determining factors of changes in individual and collective behaviour? Albert Moukheiber, doctor in cognitive neuroscience and clinical psychologist, looks at the human factor in solving today's environmental challenges.
Des comportements qui échappent à notre logique
Agir ou ne pas agir ? Parfois l'intention est là, mais elle n'est pas suivie des faits. Quels sont les facteurs déterminants des changements de comportements individuels et collectifs ? Les sciences cognitives tentent d'éclairer la question.
Behaviours that do not follow our logic
To act or not to act? Sometimes intention is there but it is not followed by acts. What are the determining factors of changes in individual and collective behaviour? Cognitive science seeks to shed light on the question.
B Corp co-founder Jay Coen Gilbert: "Our momentum is accelerating, and this transformation is happening, out of necessity"
"Make Business a Force for Good". The formula is powerful and sums up B Corp’s ambition: nothing less than to change our economic system. Today, this project to renew capitalism is gaining more and more enthusiasts and companies are rushing to join this movement. Meet with its co-founder Jay Coen Gilbert.
Jay Coen Gilbert, cofondateur de B Corp : «Notre mouvement est en plein essor et cette transformation a lieu par nécessité»
"Make Business a Force for Good". La formule est efficace et résume l'ambition B Corp : celle ni plus ni moins de changer notre système économique. Aujourd'hui, ce projet de rénovation du capitalisme fait de plus en plus d'adeptes et les entreprises se pressent pour pouvoir rejoindre ce mouvement. Rencontre avec son co-fondateur Jay Coen Gilbert.
La grande poussée B Corp
Plus de 6 000 entreprises représentant pas moins d’un demi-million de salariés arborent aujourd’hui le blason tant convoité à la lettre B. B comme B Corp. Dans la vaste jungle des labels et certifications, ce mouvement pas comme les autres semble tirer son épingle du jeu. Créé en Outre-Atlantique par trois entrepreneurs en 2007, il connait un réel boom au cours des dernières années avec une présence dans un peu plus de 85 pays et 150 industries.
The B Corp Bloom
More than 6,000 companies representing half a million employees now bear the B Corp logo. In the vast jungle of labels and certifications, this movement, like no other, definitely stands out. Founded on the other side of the Atlantic by three entrepreneurs in 2007, it has experienced a real bloom in recent years with a presence in over 85 countries and 150 industries.
Comment devenir une B Corp
Être B Corp, qu'est-ce que cela signifie ? Quelles sont les étapes à suivre ? Où trouver l'aide nécessaire pour vous assister ? Qui intégrer dans la démarche ? Combien de temps cela prendra-t-il ? Combien cela coûtera-t-il à votre organisation ? Autant de questions que vous vous posez sans doute si vous ambitionnez de rejoindre la communauté B Corp, et auxquelles vous cherchez des réponses avant de vous lancer. Décryptage.
How to become a B Corp
What does it mean to be a B Corp? What are the steps to become one?  Where can you find help? Who needs to be involved in the process? How long does it take? What are the costs? These are all questions you might be asking yourself if you aspire to join to the B Corp community, and to which you are looking for answers before taking the plunge. Let's find out.
« Nous sommes là pour secouer l'ensemble du secteur »
Envie de croquer dans un chocolat sans se sentir complice de l'esclavagisme moderne qui règne dans cette industrie ? C'est que propose la marque Tony's Chocolonely qui annonce être « folle de chocolat, sérieuse avec les gens ».En validant haut la main la (re)certification, l'entreprise hollandaise fait partie des excellents élèves B Corp et sa gouvernance a même été reconnue « best for the world ». Nous nous sommes entretenus avec Pavithra Ram pour comprendre ô combien ce chocolat est bon pour tout le monde ! 
"We are there to shake up the entire industry"
Want to bite into a chocolate without feeling complicit in the modern-day slavery of the industry? That's what Tony's Chocolonely is offering, as it claims to be "crazy about chocolate, serious about people". By passing (re)certification with flying colors, the Dutch company is one of the top B Corp performers and its governance has even been recognised as 'best for the world'. We spoke to Pavithra Ram to find out how good this chocolate is for everyone! 
Un monde de B Corp
Alimentation, banque, cosmétiques, énergie... Les entreprises se réinventent dans le monde entier. Découvrez des initiatives qui entendent changer la donne.
A world of B Corps
Food, banking, cosmetics, energy... Business is reinventing itself around the globe. Find out about initiatives that aim to change the game.
Des nuits pas si noires
Crise de l'énergie oblige, les éclairages superflus sont pointés du doigt. Ici et là, néons, affichages lumineux et autres réverbères inutiles commencent à s'éteindre dans la nuit et des collectifs de citoyens se forment pour débrancher les enseignes des magasins. Bien que les experts identifient depuis longtemps la pollution lumineuse comme une pression importante sur notre santé et la biodiversité, la prise de conscience est encore embryonnaire.
Loss of the Night
With the energy crisis, superfluous lighting is being highlighted. Here and there, neon lights, illuminated displays and other useless streetlights are starting to be switched off at night and citizens' groups are forming to unplug store signs. Although experts have long identified light pollution as a major pressure on our health and biodiversity, awareness is still in its infancy.
La photopollution
La photopollution a des conséquences négatives sur la biodiversité et les animaux, sur notre santé, sur l’économie…
Photopollution has negative consequences on biodiversity and animals, on our health, on the economy...
Daniel Gliedner : Réduire l'ampleur du phénomène de pollution lumineuse
Fort de trente années d'expérience dans le domaine, Daniel Gliedner exerce aujourd'hui en tant que conseiller en éclairage au sein du Parc naturel de l'Our. Parce qu'il travaille avec les autorités publiques, les entreprises et les particuliers, il connait mieux que quiconque la situation luxembourgeoise et les solutions à mettre en place pour réduire l'ampleur du phénomène.
Daniel Gliedner: Reducing the extent of light pollution
Backed with thirty years of experience in the field, Daniel Glider now works as a lighting consultant for the Our Natural Park. Because he works with public authorities, companies and private individuals, he knows the situation in Luxembourg better than anybody, and the measures that need to be taken to limit this pollution.
A desire to star bath?
Considering the significant impacts of light pollution on human health, biodiversity and energy consumption, and in face of the simplicity of the solutions, one may wonder why human societies haven't addressed the issue yet. Part of the answer can be found in both biology and cultural misbeliefs about darkness - two obstacles that Samyukta Manikumar seeks to overcome in her dark night conservation consultancy work and ecotourism projects. Based in Slovenia, she raises awareness and creates astonishment towards the night sky in people's minds.
Un désir de bain d'étoiles ?
Difficile de comprendre pourquoi les sociétés humaines ne se sont pas encore penchées sur la question de la pollution lumineuse, compte tenu de ses impacts significatifs sur la santé humaine, la biodiversité et la consommation d'énergie, et face à la simplicité des solutions pour y remédier. Une partie de la réponse se trouve dns la biologie et les croyances culturelles erronées concernant l'obscurité - deux obstacles que Samyukta Manikumar cherche à surmonter dans son travail de consultante en conservation de la nuit noire et dans ses projets d'écotourisme.
De l'urgence d'éviter aux femmes la double peine
Si l’on devait élire le plus grand tabou persistant dans le monde, les menstruations auraient de fortes chances d’obtenir la première place. En 2022, 1 femme salariée sur 5 déclarait avoir déjà fait l’objet de moqueries ou de remarques désobligeantes au travail à cause de ses menstruations. Sachant que, en moyenne, les personnes menstruées ont leurs règles 39 ans au cours de leur vie, allons-nous rester silencieux face à cela ?
The urgent need to avoid double punishment for women
If we had to choose the world's greatest persistent taboo, menstruation would be very likely to take first place. In 2022, 1 in 5 employed women said they had already been teased or made fun of at work because of their period. Given that, on average, menstruating women menstruate 39 years in their lives, are we going to remain silent in the face of this?
Pourquoi le recyclage ne suffira pas
Le recyclage est largement perçu comme le remède de prédilection pour lutter contre la pollution de nos emballages. L'idée est séduisante car elle ne remet pas en question nos modes de consommation, mais insuffisante dans les faits.
Why recycling will not be enough
Recycling is widely seen as the ideal way to tackle the pollution of our packaging. In short, the idea is to put their production in a perfect loop, where materials are reused over and over again and no raw materials need to be extracted.
Entretien avec Esra Tat, directrice associée, Zero Waste Europe
Une Europe sans déchets, voilà le grand objectif auquel s'attèle l'association éponyme Zero Waste Europe. À force de lobbying et d'animation d'un réseau particulièrement actif sur ce sujet, le concept fait son chemin.
Interview with Esra Tat, Associate Director, Zero Waste Europe
A Europe without waste is the main objective for which the eponymous association Zero Waste Europe is working. Thanks to their lobbying and animation of a particularly active network, the concept is gaining ground.
Rien de neuf ?
Saviez-vous que 10% du bois coupé, 20% de l'aluminium extrait, 40% du plastique créé et 50% du verre produit servent principalement à fabriquer des emballages à usage unique ? Dans un monde aux ressources finies, l'économie du jetable basée sur le principe du produire-consommer-jeter montre de plus en plus ses limites.
Nothing new?
Did you know that 10% of the wood cut down, 20% of the aluminium extracted, 40% of the plastic created and 50% of the glass produced are mainly used to make single-use packaging? In a world of finite resources, the disposable economy based on the principle of produce-consume-throw-away is increasingly showing its limits.
2025 au Luxembourg : un avenir sans emballages jetables
Le Luxembourg aimerait passer à un avenir sans emballages jetables d'ici 2025...
2025 in Luxembourg: a future without disposable packaging
Luxembourg would like to move to a future without disposable packaging by 2025...
The MUD, un musée futuriste à Luxembourg
Plongez au coeur du Musée du Déchet, un musée éphémère et nomade, pour découvrir l'avenir de nos déchets.
The MUD, a Futuristic Museum in Luxembourg
Dive into the heart of the Musée du Déchet, an ephemeral and nomadic museum, to discover the future of our waste.
Sens et bien-être, nouveau langage des recruteurs
Grande démission, appels à la bifurcation, quiet quitting... autant de manifestations d'un mécontentement croissant qui préoccupe les employeurs. C'est une tendance de fond : les ambitions des salariés changent et nombre d'entre eux n'hésitent pas à prendre le large si leur entreprise ne répond pas à leurs attentes.
Purpose and well-being, the new love language of employers
Big quit, calls to branch out, quiet quitting... these are all manifestations of a growing dissatisfaction that worries employers. It's a fundamental trend ; employee's ambitions are changing and many don't hesitate to leave if their company doesn't meet their expectations.
Entretien avec Nathalie Delebois : « Les candidats font la pluie et le beau temps ! »
Il y a du changement dans l'air au Luxembourg où les employeurs doivent revoir leur copie pour conserver les employés et attirer de nouvelles recrues. Est-ce la vague de la grande démission qui touche le pays ? Le Grand-Duché est-il particulièrement vulnérable dans ce contexte ?
Interview with Nathalie Delebois: "The candidates call the shots!"
Change is in the air in Luxembourg, where employers have to rethink their plans to retain employees and attract new recruits. Is it the "bit quit" wave hitting the country? Does this make the Grand Duchy particularly vulnerable?
La Suède, le pays comestible
Le Sustainability Mag vous emmène en Suède pour découvrir une campagne alimentaire nationale qui invite à sortir de chez soi et explorer l'abondance de nourriture saine dont la nature regorge.
Sweden, the Edible Country
The Sustainability Mag takes you to Sweden to discover a nationwide food campaign that invites us to spend quality time outdoors and explore the abundance of healthy ingredients that nature generously provides for us.
At the Chef's Wild Table
Somewhere deep in the Arctic wilderness, in the Swedish Lapland, you can taste the unique favors of the Nordic Forest. Welcome to the table of Pia Huuva.
À la table sauvage de la Cheffe
Quelque part au coeur de la nature arctique, en Laponie suédoise, vous pourrez goûter aux saveurs uniques de la forêt nordique. Bienvenue à la table de Pia Huuva !
Une ressource critique
Soumise à des pressions anthropiques inédites, cette ressource compte désormais parmi les limites planétaires dépassées avec à la clef des impacts majeurs sur les écosystèmes, notre santé, notre résilience alimentaire ou encore la paix dans le monde. Des solutions existent pourtant. Il y a une urgence à repenser notre relation à l'eau et à réécrire collectivement son histoire.
An Endangered Ressource
Santiago, Cape Town, Karachi, Los Angeles, Mombasa... All of these cities are preparing for "day zero", when not a single drop of water will come out of the tap. Subjected to unprecedented anthropic pressures, this resource is now amongst one of the planetary boundaries that have been crossed, which has major impacts on ecosystems, health, food resilience or peace in the world. Solutions do exist, however. There is an urgent need to rethink our relationship with water and to collectively rewrite its history.
L'eau, loin d'être un bien acquis
L’eau est loin d’être un bien acquis. Son avenir est entre nos mains. Explication en chiffres.
Water is not a given
Water is far from being a given. Its future is in our hands. We explain in figures.
Entretien avec Abou Amani
« Pour penser la question de l'eau, il faut une approche holistique, puisque l'eau à une dimension sociale, économique et environnementale. »
Interview with Abou Amani
"To address the water issue, a holistic approach is needed, as water has social, economic, and environmental dimensions".
S'inspirer d'entreprises en action
Partout dans le monde, des entreprises mettent en lumière des actions pour limiter le gaspillage de l'eau et pour trouver des solutions afin de protéger de ressource.
Drawing for companies in action
All over the world, companies are highlighting actions to limit water wastage and find solutions to protect this resource.
State of Luxembourg's water supply
To enjoy clean water in Luxembourg, all you have to do is turn on the tap. You don't even have to think of where it comes from or disappears to in the drain. But is there enough water to meet the growing demand of the Grand Duchy? What about water quality? How is this subject trated in the country?
L'eau au Luxembourg : état des lieux
Pour bénéficier d'une eau potable au Luxembourg, il suffit d'ouvrir le robinet. Vous n'avez même pas à vous demander d'où elle vient et vers où elle s'écoute. Mais y'a-t-il assez d'eau pour réponde à la demande croissante du Grand-Duché ? Qu'en est-il de la qualité de l'eau ? Comment ce sujet est-il traité dans le pays ?
Les hormones féminines sur le lieu de travail
« Comment puis-je me concentrer et sourire pendant ma présentation alors que les crampes me rongent de l'intérieur ? », « Comment annoncer ma grossesse à mon employeur ? », « La vérité est que le confinement m’a permis de gérer les symptômes de ma ménopause en travaillant de la maison »... Ces pensées et d'autres sont présentes dans le quotidien des personnes sous influence des hormones féminines. Un sujet qui, s’il concerne pourtant la moitié de la population, est resté majoritairement tabou.
Female hormones in the workplace
"How can I focus and smile during my presentation when cramps are eating me up inside?", "How do I tell my employer I'm pregnant?", "The truth is that lockdown allowed me to manage my menopause symptoms while working from home"... These and other thoughts occur in people's daily lives under the influence of female hormones. A subject which, although it concerns half of the population, has remained largely taboo.
Boards, Get on Board!
Le silence qui entoure le monde clos et feutré des conseils d'administration est parfois brisé. À plusieurs reprises dernièrement, leurs décisions se sont trouvées exposées et questionnées dans la presse. L'objet de ces retentissements à la tonalité nouvelle ? Une interrogation sur leur capacité à intégrer les enjeux de développement durable et à tracer une trajectoire pour l'entreprise qu'ils ont la charge d'administrer. Comment alors les modes de gouvernance doivent-ils se réinventer pour accélérer le changement ?
Boards, Get on Board!
The silence that surrounds the closed and hushed world of boards of directors is sometimes broken. On several occasions recently, their decisions have been exposed and questioned in the press. What is the purpose of this new tone of attention? A questioning of their ability to integrate sustainable development issues and to chart a course for the company they are responsible for managing. How then should modes of governance be reinvented to accelerate change?
Questions à John Elkington
John Elkington est souvent vu comme le parrain du développement durable. À l'origine des fameux 3P « People, Planet, Profit », il appelle aujourd'hui les entreprises à un capitalisme régénérateur. Habitué des conseils d'administration - plus de 80 à son actif -, il nous éclaire sur leur rôle et la capacité à effectuer des virages stratégiques pour un changement de modèles.
Questions to John Elkington
John Elkington is often described as the godfather of sustainable development. Having coined the famous 3 Ps "People, Planet, Profit", he now calls on companies to adopt a regenerative capitalism. Regular on boards of directors - more than 80 to date - he sheds light on their role and ability to make strategic shifts for a change of model.
Le bassin de Liège en quête de résilience alimentaire
La « Ceinture Aliment-Terre de Liège » (CATL) a été créée en 2013 pour fédérer, accompagner et promouvoir un modèle local durable. Les résultats sont-ils aujourd'hui à la hauteur des espoirs ? Petit tour d'horizon d'un projet qui souffle cette année ses dix bougies.
The Liège bassin in search of food resilience
The Liège Food and Soil Belt (CATL) was set up in 2013 to federate, support and promote a sustainable local model. Are the results now living up to expectations? Here's a look at a project that is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year.
Une photographe chez les scientifiques
Histogrammes et courbes attestent régulièrement de la présence grandissante des gaz à effet de serre et autres polluants dans l'air. S’ils sont objectivés par la science, ils échappent cependant à notre perception. C’est précisément le défi relevé par l’artiste belge Laure Winants à travers le projet Albédo : donner à voir cet invisible si problématique.
A photograph among scientists
Histograms and curves regularly attest to the growing presence of greenhouse gases and other pollutants in the air. Although they are objectified by science, they escape our perception. This is precisely the challenge taken up by the Belgian artist Laure Winants through the Albedo project: to reveal this invisible problem.
Danser pour l'eau, le climat et la biodiversité
La troupe de danse a sublimé l’édition 2023 du Luxembourg Sustainability Forum avec plusieurs extraits de son spectacle « Écume » : une esthétique saisissante, un lien sensible pour nous parler autrement des questions écologiques.
Dancing for Water, Climate and Biodiversity
La troupe de danse a sublimé l’édition 2023 du Luxembourg Sustainability Forum avec plusieurs extraits de son spectacle « Écume » : une esthétique saisissante, un lien sensible pour nous parler autrement des questions écologiques. 
Les bocages, une voie salvatrice au Burkina Faso
Aujourd’hui, certaines terres agricoles du Burkina Faso jusqu’alors desséchées et impropres à l’exploitation, reprennent vie. Leurs rendements sont à la hauteur, les paysans qui les exploitent retrouvent un mode de vie décent et la biodiversité qu’elles abritaient autrefois prospère de nouveau peu à peu... À l’origine de ces bienfaits conjugués : la mise en place de bocages dans le paysage sahélien. Décryptage.
Neurodiversité : la grande oubliée des entreprises
Trouble du déficit de l’attention, autisme, dyslexie, dyscalculie… La liste est longue des fonctionnements cognitifs inhabituels qui trouvent difficilement leur place dans le monde du travail. Encore largement méconnus, ils sont souvent l’objet d’une certaine stigmatisation. Or, on considère aujourd’hui qu’environ une personne sur cinq serait neurodivergente. Il est donc grand temps pour les entreprises de s’y intéresser.
Neurodiversity at work: under the corporate radar
ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia ... The list goes long of unusual cognitive functions that have difficulty finding their place in the world of work. Still largely unknown, they are often stigmatised. Today, it is estimated that around one person in five is neurodivergent. It is high time companies took an interest. A quick overview of neurodiversity.
La confusion des opinions
« Les Américains ont perdu tout sens de la réalité ». C’est le constat sans appel du politologue et professeur à Harvard Thomas E. Patterson, dans son livre au titre tout à fait interpelant How America Lost its Mind (Comment l’Amérique a perdu la tête). « La dégradation de la pensée, de l'information et du bon sens érode les institutions et les traditions gouvernementales qu'il a fallu plus de deux siècles et dix générations d'Américains pour mettre en place. » observe-t-il. Cette situation n’est malheureusement pas l’apanage des Etats-Unis, mais est bien perceptible dans toutes nos sociétés. Notre rapport à la vérité et à la raison se trouve profondément bouleversé, et ceci constitue certainement le plus grand coup porté à nos démocraties. Sera-t-il létal ?
Confusion of opinions
"Americans have lost all sense of reality". This is the stark conclusion reached by political scientist and Harvard professor Thomas E. Patterson in his book "How America Lost its Mind". "The corruption of thought, information, and common sense is eroding governing institutions and traditions that took more than two centuries and ten generations of Americans to build" he observes. Unfortunately, this situation is not unique to the United States, but can be seen in all our societies. Our relationship with truth and rationality has been profoundly disrupted, and this is certainly the greatest blow to our democracies. Will it be lethal?
Semer le doute pour freiner l'action environnementale
Le dernier rapport du Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat (GIEC) pose un constat alarmant : la désinformation climatique constitue un obstacle majeur à des décisions efficaces en la matière. Ce phénomène complexe et étendu transcende les frontières nationales, sapant les efforts de coopération entre pays. La bataille contre le changement climatique est ainsi entravée par des forces insidieuses : la désinformation scientifique orchestrée par des intérêts économiques et politiques, et son corollaire, la montée inquiétante de la polarisation des opinions.
Sowing doubt to slow down environmental action
The latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) makes the alarming observation that climate misinformation constitutes a major obstacle to effective decision-making. A complex and vast phenomenon, that beyond national borders, undermining the cooperative efforts between countries to tackle global challenges. Thus, insidious forces are hindering the battle against climate change : the scientific disinformation orchestrated by economical and political interests and its corollary, the worrying rise in polarised opinion.
Profit économique pour les uns, désastre écologique et humain pour les autres, le glyphosate illustre les dynamiques complexes et les rapports de force qui pèsent sur les diverses instances décisionnaires de notre vie publique. Intense lobbying et instrumentalisation de la science sont au cœur de cette saga marquée le 16 novembre 2023, par la décision de la Commission Européenne de prolonger l’utilisation de cet herbicide tant controversé. 
Economic profit for some, ecological and human disaster for others, glyphosate illustrates the complex dynamics and power struggles that weigh on various decision-making bodies in our public life. Intense lobbying and the manipulation of science are at the heart of this saga, which was marked on 16 November 2023 with the European Commission's decision to extend the use of this controversial herbicide.                                                            
Entretien avec Naomi Oreskes
Naomi, votre carrière académique a débuté en tant qu'historienne des sciences, mais vous vous êtes ensuite plongée dans un domaine de recherche vraiment distinctif, l'agnotologie. En quoi cela consiste-t-il ? 
Demain il tombera...
En reprenant tous les codes d’une météo classique, une organisation australienne sensibilise aux impacts des microplastiques, invisibles à l’oeil nu et pourtant bien présents et dangereux. La campagne de la fondation Minderoo, nommée « The Plastic Forecast », alerte ainsi les passants à ce sujet de plus en plus préoccupant, à travers l’affichage urbain.
By using the codes of a classic weather forecast, an Australian organisation is raising awareness of the impact of microplastics, which are invisible to the naked eye yet very present and dangerous. The Minderoo Foundation's campaign, called "The Plastic Forecast", uses urban posters to alert passers-by to this increasingly worrying issue.
The bocages, a salvatory path in Burkina Faso
Today, certain agricultural lands in Burkina Faso, which had been dried out and unsuitable for exploitation, are coming back to life. Their yields have increased, the farmers who exploit them are finding a decent way of life and the biodiversity that they once sheltered is gradually prospering again... At the origin of these combined benefits: the establishment of bocages in the Sahelian landscape. Let’s zoom in.
Plus de vert dans nos assiettes
Peu de barista lèveront un sourcil de nos jours, si vous leur demandez du lait végétal dans votre café. Tout comme se désigner « flexitarien » ne requiert que peu d’explications auprès de votre entourage. Il semblerait que l’on assiste à un certain « boom végétal ». Comment cela s’explique-t-il ? Et comment cela se traduit-il concrètement dans nos habitudes alimentaires quotidiennes ? Est-ce le début d’un réel changement de paradigme dans notre système agro-alimentaire ?
More green in our plates
Nowadays not many baristas would be taken aback if you ask them for plant-based milk in your coffee instead of regular. Similarly, you don’t have to explain yourself to others when calling yourself a flexitarian. They know what it means. It seems that there is a “plant-based boom” happening right now. How can we explain it? How does it translate into our daily habits? Are we witnessing a true paradigm shift in our agri-food system?
Interview with René Mathieu
Named the best plant-based chef in the world, René Mathieu is head of the Michelin restaurant of Bourglinster Castle, in Luxembourg since 2005. The Belgian, who has previously worked at the Palais Grand-Ducal, keeps reinventing plant-based cuisine. A true man of his time, he is critically aware of how we eat today, and advocates for a more simple and more intuitive approach to nature. From his life philosophy to his concrete advices to put more green on our plates, a meeting with a true enthusiast!
Entretien avec René Mathieu
Sacré meilleur chef végétal au monde, René Mathieu est à la tête du restaurant étoilé du Château de Bourglinster, au Luxembourg depuis 2005. Ce belge qui a notamment travaillé au Palais Grand-Ducal, réinvente la cuisine en se tournant vers le végétal. Homme de son temps, il exerce un regard critique sur la façon dont on s’alimente aujourd’hui et s’inspire de la nature dans une approche plus simple et intuitive. De sa philosophie à ses conseils concrets pour mettre plus de végétal dans nos assiettes, rencontre avec un passionné !
Villes sans affichage
Billboard-banning cities
DOSSIER / B Corp, business reinventing capitalism
B Corp co-founder Jay Coen Gilbert: "Our momentum is accelerating, and this transformation is happening, out of necessity"
"Make Business a Force for Good". The formula is powerful and sums up B Corp’s ambition: nothing less than to change our economic system. Today, this project to renew capitalism is gaining more and more enthusiasts and companies are rushing to join this movement. Meet with its co-founder Jay Coen Gilbert.
The B Corp Bloom
More than 6,000 companies representing half a million employees now bear the B Corp logo. In the vast jungle of labels and certifications, this movement, like no other, definitely stands out. Founded on the other side of the Atlantic by three entrepreneurs in 2007, it has experienced a real bloom in recent years with a presence in over 85 countries and 150 industries.
How to become a B Corp
What does it mean to be a B Corp? What are the steps to become one?  Where can you find help? Who needs to be involved in the process? How long does it take? What are the costs? These are all questions you might be asking yourself if you aspire to join to the B Corp community, and to which you are looking for answers before taking the plunge. Let's find out.
"We are there to shake up the entire industry"
Want to bite into a chocolate without feeling complicit in the modern-day slavery of the industry? That's what Tony's Chocolonely is offering, as it claims to be "crazy about chocolate, serious about people". By passing (re)certification with flying colors, the Dutch company is one of the top B Corp performers and its governance has even been recognised as 'best for the world'. We spoke to Pavithra Ram to find out how good this chocolate is for everyone! 
A world of B Corps
Food, banking, cosmetics, energy... Business is reinventing itself around the globe. Find out about initiatives that aim to change the game.
DOSSIER / The second life of our packaging
Why recycling will not be enough
Recycling is widely seen as the ideal way to tackle the pollution of our packaging. In short, the idea is to put their production in a perfect loop, where materials are reused over and over again and no raw materials need to be extracted.
Interview with Esra Tat, Associate Director, Zero Waste Europe
A Europe without waste is the main objective for which the eponymous association Zero Waste Europe is working. Thanks to their lobbying and animation of a particularly active network, the concept is gaining ground.
Nothing new?
Did you know that 10% of the wood cut down, 20% of the aluminium extracted, 40% of the plastic created and 50% of the glass produced are mainly used to make single-use packaging? In a world of finite resources, the disposable economy based on the principle of produce-consume-throw-away is increasingly showing its limits.
2025 in Luxembourg: a future without disposable packaging
Luxembourg would like to move to a future without disposable packaging by 2025...
The MUD, a Futuristic Museum in Luxembourg
Dive into the heart of the Musée du Déchet, an ephemeral and nomadic museum, to discover the future of our waste.
DOSSIER / The seduction business
Purpose and well-being, the new love language of employers
Big quit, calls to branch out, quiet quitting... these are all manifestations of a growing dissatisfaction that worries employers. It's a fundamental trend ; employee's ambitions are changing and many don't hesitate to leave if their company doesn't meet their expectations.
Interview with Nathalie Delebois: "The candidates call the shots!"
Change is in the air in Luxembourg, where employers have to rethink their plans to retain employees and attract new recruits. Is it the "bit quit" wave hitting the country? Does this make the Grand Duchy particularly vulnerable?
DOSSIER / Insurance in the climate storm
Growing Uncertainties
"Climate Change is Certainly the matrix for all Other Risks"
Insurances and climate
Being an insurer means mastering risk, anticipating it to be better prepared. With climate change, the equation has never been so complex. How is the sector, which is more central than ever, coping with this new situation?
Earth Observation Technology
While climate change is provoking dramatic events worldwide, Luxembourg R&D start-up RSS-Hydro is innovating to prevent water-related risks.
DOSSIER / From Washing to Cold Shower
Communicating in a World of Mistrust
Greenwashing, woke-washing, purpose-washing... Corporate communication in troubled waters!
Fifty Shades of Green
Shades of green and subtleties of the eco-fraud argument.
Eyes on Social Engagement of the Employer Brand
A meaningful job today is what drives young people to get involved in a company. More than words, more than symbols, facts are expected!
DOSSIER / The right count?
Making the invisible visible
Traditional accounting only considers the financial data of a company to deduce its profits. Nature, employees part of the balance sheet?
Calling for a Revolution in Accounting
Jacques Richard shares some of his ideas from his book "Révolution comptable. Pour une entreprise écologique et sociale". This specialist in ecological accounting presents his CARE model.
Case Study
A concrete example of the CARE model. 
Cagnolle, a model farm
At the cutting edge of agroecology, the farm has recently converted its balance sheet and profit and loss account to practices that are more respectful of nature and humans. Explanations.
DOSSIER / Small and Bigger Steps Towards a Sustainable Europe
"A Shared Vision for a Sustainable Europe"
Co-founder of CSR Europe Jan Noterdaeme invites us to build a sustainable Europe. What ambitions for 2030?
Quand l'impulsion vient de l'europe
Europe in the Driver's Seat
Through its institutions, the EU aims to become the driving force behind a new model. Focus on its initiatives to build a responsible world.
Sustainable Development, Key Priority for European Institutions in Luxembourg
Reminder on the commitment of the European institutions based in the Grand-Duchy to Agenda 2030.
Behind the Scenes of the European Investment Bank
Meet with the experts of the Climate Bank.
Marjut Santoni: Ambitions for the Climate Bank
The Secretary-General of the EIB reveals the key role of this institution in financing a sustainable European economy.
Towards a European Duty of Disclosure
Corporate Responsibility Leader at PwC Valérie Arnold discusses the European directive related to the publication of non-financial information. Keywords: confidence and transparency.
A Strategy that Hits the Target!
What connection does a fly depicted at the bottom of a urinal and a Nobel Prize in Economics have in common? Indeed, the link is not so clear…
Nudging the Employees
A new tool in the panoply of HR and Management methods to improve the interest of employees and companies?
DOSSIER / Social Business
"Why social business is a solution for a broken system"
Meet with Saskia Bruysten, Co-founder of the investment fund and incubator Yunus Social Business.
A Business of a Different Kind
When the creation of social value is inseparable from financial sustainability' objectives. Back to the principles of Social Business.
Companies with Social Added Value
They have soups, yoghurts, shoes... but radically redesigned. The objective? A model that maximizes social and environmental utility.
Four Ways to Boost Social Business in Large Companies
Benoît Bonello and Angélina Lamy set out the paths for organizations to take the next step.
Eight Societal Challenges in Luxembourg
A study identifies major societal fields of action where companies could make a difference and where inspiring initiatives are already making a successful breakthrough.
DOSSIER / Lives on Credit
Over-indebtedness: Luxembourg is no exception
In the shadow of the financial stronghold, over-indebtedness has become a daily problem for some Luxembourg households. A taboo subject to be broken.
Societal Challenges to be Treated Collectively
Over-indebtedness is a problem that spares no one. Individuals, companies or state authorities, the keys to good management lie in financial education and support.
Promoting financial education to prevent risky situations
Insights by Danielle Berna Ost Secretary, General of the Commission for the Surveillance of the Financial Sector in Luxembourg.
DOSSIER / Circular Economy: Closing Loops
A Real Economic, Environmental and Social Opportunity
A committed actor of the circular economy in Luxembourg, Romain Poulles analyses the potential of this new model.
From Disposable to Sustainable
Circular economy, which aims to circulate resources in a loop in order to preserve them, revisits our relationship to natural capital and intends to overthrow the linear production model of a disposable society.
Walter Stahel: The origin of “cradle-to-cradle”
Pioneer of the circular economy and Founder of the Product-Life Institute Genova Walter Sahel gives us an insight into the environmental and societal benefits of a loop economy.
Initiatives that are going well in Luxembourg
Many companies are prospering in the Grand Duchy.
DOSSIER / The Third Industrial Revolution
People's Vote Projects: The Winners
100 seconds to present an innovative practice: this is the challenge taken up by some Luxembourg organizations at the Sustainability Forum 2017. Spotlight on the Third Industrial Revolution in practice.
A Historic Turning Point?
A historic turning point is underway in Luxembourg. A new economic strategy at a national level is being prepared: the Third Industrial Revolution.
Jeremy Rifkin: The Architect of the 3rd Industrial Revolution
Interview with the leading economic and social theorist and fervent activist for sustainable development. He presents the key elements of a transition to a new sustainable economic paradigm, presented as the only solution to the obsolescence of the current model.
Étienne Schneider: Luxembourg, first country to commit
Former Deputy Prime Minister Étienne Schneider tells us about the pioneering role played by the Grand Duchy from an economic point of view. Keywords: innovation and sustainability.
A Promising Dynamic in Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Feedback from Philippe Vasseur, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the region.
Also to Discover
The Pulse of Companies
A survey was conducted among the members of IMS Luxembourg to measure their level of commitment to CSR and their contribution to the country's Agenda 2030.
DOSSIER / Plant-based menu
More green in our plates
Nowadays not many baristas would be taken aback if you ask them for plant-based milk in your coffee instead of regular. Similarly, you don’t have to explain yourself to others when calling yourself a flexitarian. They know what it means. It seems that there is a “plant-based boom” happening right now. How can we explain it? How does it translate into our daily habits? Are we witnessing a true paradigm shift in our agri-food system?
Interview with René Mathieu
Named the best plant-based chef in the world, René Mathieu is head of the Michelin restaurant of Bourglinster Castle, in Luxembourg since 2005. The Belgian, who has previously worked at the Palais Grand-Ducal, keeps reinventing plant-based cuisine. A true man of his time, he is critically aware of how we eat today, and advocates for a more simple and more intuitive approach to nature. From his life philosophy to his concrete advices to put more green on our plates, a meeting with a true enthusiast!
DOSSIER / The Blue Gold Crisis
An Endangered Ressource
Santiago, Cape Town, Karachi, Los Angeles, Mombasa... All of these cities are preparing for "day zero", when not a single drop of water will come out of the tap. Subjected to unprecedented anthropic pressures, this resource is now amongst one of the planetary boundaries that have been crossed, which has major impacts on ecosystems, health, food resilience or peace in the world. Solutions do exist, however. There is an urgent need to rethink our relationship with water and to collectively rewrite its history.
Water is not a given
Water is far from being a given. Its future is in our hands. We explain in figures.
Interview with Abou Amani
"To address the water issue, a holistic approach is needed, as water has social, economic, and environmental dimensions".
Drawing for companies in action
All over the world, companies are highlighting actions to limit water wastage and find solutions to protect this resource.
State of Luxembourg's water supply
To enjoy clean water in Luxembourg, all you have to do is turn on the tap. You don't even have to think of where it comes from or disappears to in the drain. But is there enough water to meet the growing demand of the Grand Duchy? What about water quality? How is this subject trated in the country?
DOSSIER / The second life of our packaging
Why recycling will not be enough
Recycling is widely seen as the ideal way to tackle the pollution of our packaging. In short, the idea is to put their production in a perfect loop, where materials are reused over and over again and no raw materials need to be extracted.
Interview with Esra Tat, Associate Director, Zero Waste Europe
A Europe without waste is the main objective for which the eponymous association Zero Waste Europe is working. Thanks to their lobbying and animation of a particularly active network, the concept is gaining ground.
Nothing new?
Did you know that 10% of the wood cut down, 20% of the aluminium extracted, 40% of the plastic created and 50% of the glass produced are mainly used to make single-use packaging? In a world of finite resources, the disposable economy based on the principle of produce-consume-throw-away is increasingly showing its limits.
2025 in Luxembourg: a future without disposable packaging
Luxembourg would like to move to a future without disposable packaging by 2025...
The MUD, a Futuristic Museum in Luxembourg
Dive into the heart of the Musée du Déchet, an ephemeral and nomadic museum, to discover the future of our waste.
DOSSIER / Life in free fall: no more denial?
The world slows down, nature awakens
For the remaining fauna and flora, there are encouraging signs that it is not too late. Hopeful ways to reverse the decline.
Anne Larigauderie : Spokesperson for One Million Threatened Species
As head of the IPBES, one of the leading institutions on biodiversity, she gives an uncompromising assessment of the state of living organisms. She presents the challenges of the coming decade.
How Biodiversity Protects our Health
Marie-Monique Robin unveils her latest documentary film: La fabrique des pandémies. The film makes a compelling statement: if nothing is done to halt the destruction of ecosystems, we will experience epidemics of even greater proportions.
Reconciling Nature and Economics
Have we ever considered how much of our lives depend on nature? More than ever, the world needs to fundamentally rethink the way society measures economic success if it is to stop the rapid decline in biodiversity that threatens.
Initiatives for Biodiversity in the Grand Duchy
Did you know that wolves and lynxes are protected species in Luxembourg? With its forests characterised by remarkable trees covering more than a third of the territory and stunning orchids, the country is home to an unexpected biodiversity.
Sweet Curridabat
In "Ciudad Dulce", Costa Rica's "Sweet City”, pollinators, hummingbirds, trees and endemic plants now have a prominent place in the city's development.
Keeping our Planet Alive
The sixth mass extinction is accelerating. The world’s natural balance is being profoundly altered, leading to irreversible changes in climate and ecosystems. Study after study, science is alerting us. Will we be able to prevent the decline of life?
DOSSIER / The Food To Come
The Fall of Hyper-standardisation
Degraded ecosystems, stressed professions, nutritious desert...The world food system has reached its limits. And after our XXL-way of cultivating and consuming, what solutions for tomorrow?
Depleted Soil
Almost a third of the soil is now degraded by intensive agriculture. Faced with this ecological disaster, regenerative methods are trying to restore the fertility of agricultural land.
Birgit Cameron : "There is a Revolution Brewing"
The activist brand Patagonia has embarked on the sustainable food. Meet Birgit Cameron, the woman who orchestrates this branch of activity with a resolutely green hand.
Svalbard, The World's Food Diversity Vault
If you had to store the world's agriculture heritage in a safe place, where would you go? The solution lies above the Artic Circle, at -18°C...
Local is Back
Consumers are concerned about the mileage on their plates... and the impact of globalization. Tomorrow, all locavores?
Some Reflections on the Resilience of Luxembourg's Food System
Rachel Reckinger, anthropologist and food sociologist at the University of Luxembourg, outlines the paths to a resilient food future for the Grand Duchy.
Ideas sprouting up all over the world
From Japan to Brazil, local initiatives inspire our food future. A quick overview.
DOSSIER / The Hindered Power of Trees
Those Falling Giants
More than 2,000 trees are destroyed worldwide every minute. The stakes are unprecedented. Carbon sinks, biodiversity sanctuaries, pillars of food security... All regulating functions that must absolutely be preserved.
The Genius of the Tree in 20 Essential Services
Pictorial return on their essential contributions to our daily lives.
Tristan Lecomte : "Trees are the Best Investment on Earth"
Founder of PUR Projet Tristan Lecomte has already replanted millions of trees. Today, this serial entrepreneur shares with us 2 new projects.
Luxembourg's forests in critical condition
The Administration of Nature and Forests of Luxembourg's latest report reveals that more than half of the observed trees reveals a deteriorated health condition.
Frank Wolter: "It won't be the Same Forest"
Administration of Nature and Forestry of the Grand Duchy director Frank Wolter is concerned about the degradation of Luxembourg's woodland areas. Keys to understanding and courses of action.
DOSSIER / Feed The City
Corporate Gardens
Farms and urban gardens, greenhouses on company rooftops... A green wave to improve the wellbeing of city dwellers and encourage short circuits.
A Flourishing Urban Agriculture
From Montreal to Singapore, a closer look on these metropolises that bet on urban agriculture's promises.
Arnaud Herrmann: The man with the 1,000 gardens
AccorHotels' Sustainable Development Director aims to green up Europe leading hotel group. He answers our questions and shares his positive hospitality strategy.
Marielle Dubbeling: "People in Luxembourg don't feel the need yet"
Interview with RUAF Foundation Director, and urban agriculture and food security specialist Marielle Dubelling. The time for new regulations has come.
Urban farming and buildings’ noble function
Bringing agriculture back to the city. This is the ambition shared by Luxembourg General Manager of CDEC Group Bruno Renders in this forum. An approach that involves new functions for buildings.
Urban Agriculture in Brownfields
A new life for these abandoned lands which represent an important vector of urban development. Still, this potential calls for a precautionary principle.
Myfood, a Start-up that Grows
Solar-connected, easy-to-use greenhouses. An innovative concept backed by digital natives seeking to "connect to re-connect".
DOSSIER / Plastic Age
A matter of usage...
The time has come: no more plastic! Let's think about the materiel "whose name must not be pronounced", let's question our uses and try to find alternatives capable of replacing it.
Companies that Say Stop to Single-Use Plastic
No more plastic cups, bottles or stirrers in our offices! Organizations in Luxembourg have taken action by signing the Zero Single-Use Plastic manifesto to fight against this ecological disaster.
Single-Use Plastics: True from False
Do plastics contribute to global warming? Are babies born pre-polluted? Is bio-based plastic the solution? Here are some answers to help you distinguish between reliable information and preconceived ideas.
Under the Eye of Microscopes
Plastic pollution is also micro and nano particles and although this waste seems invisible to us, it is no less dangerous. Science tells us why.
A Hazardous Immersion
One million plastic bottles are bought every minute in the world. At this frenetic rate, the equivalent of one rubbish truckload of this "modern-day material" is dumped into the ocean... Exploration of a plastic world.
Solutions are in the making
Discover 10 companies that have redesigned their use of plastics. From PET-destroying bacteria to recycled bottles, these brands had to be inventive to meet the waste challenge.
"The purchaser has the power"
Sustainable Purchasing Manager, Sandrine Grumberg, presents the many solutions available to companies that seeking to implement a sustainable purchasing policy.
Also to Discover
More green in our plates
Nowadays not many baristas would be taken aback if you ask them for plant-based milk in your coffee instead of regular. Similarly, you don’t have to explain yourself to others when calling yourself a flexitarian. They know what it means. It seems that there is a “plant-based boom” happening right now. How can we explain it? How does it translate into our daily habits? Are we witnessing a true paradigm shift in our agri-food system?
Interview with René Mathieu
Named the best plant-based chef in the world, René Mathieu is head of the Michelin restaurant of Bourglinster Castle, in Luxembourg since 2005. The Belgian, who has previously worked at the Palais Grand-Ducal, keeps reinventing plant-based cuisine. A true man of his time, he is critically aware of how we eat today, and advocates for a more simple and more intuitive approach to nature. From his life philosophy to his concrete advices to put more green on our plates, a meeting with a true enthusiast!
By using the codes of a classic weather forecast, an Australian organisation is raising awareness of the impact of microplastics, which are invisible to the naked eye yet very present and dangerous. The Minderoo Foundation's campaign, called "The Plastic Forecast", uses urban posters to alert passers-by to this increasingly worrying issue.
The bocages, a salvatory path in Burkina Faso
Today, certain agricultural lands in Burkina Faso, which had been dried out and unsuitable for exploitation, are coming back to life. Their yields have increased, the farmers who exploit them are finding a decent way of life and the biodiversity that they once sheltered is gradually prospering again... At the origin of these combined benefits: the establishment of bocages in the Sahelian landscape. Let’s zoom in.
Neurodiversity at work: under the corporate radar
ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia ... The list goes long of unusual cognitive functions that have difficulty finding their place in the world of work. Still largely unknown, they are often stigmatised. Today, it is estimated that around one person in five is neurodivergent. It is high time companies took an interest. A quick overview of neurodiversity.
Man and Nature: the Reconciliation?
Are there any benefits of a break in the green or facing the ocean? Hubert Mansion and Julie Schadeck take you to the forest to experience it to reconcile you with the living network.
Meeting with Frédéric Lilien
Transporting people to the beauty of our fragile world. Immersing the audience into these planet's unseen and feverish wonders to raise awareness about climate change. This was the gamble taken by the nature-loving cinematographer, Frédéric Lilien.
Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner is a poet from the Marshall Islands, a place which is suffering the effects of climate change and rising sea levels. Invited to testify at the opening ceremony of the UN Secretary General's Climate Summit in September 2014, she proclaimed this vibrant poem addressed to her newborn daughter. The reading was met with a standing ovation at the time. Today, these verses are considered a landmark text for the expression of solastalgia.
300 Drones, 1 Message: Act Now!
Ksar Tafilelt, A Sustainable Oasis
Built in a particularly arid area, the city Ksar Tafilelt offers an environmental model and responsible community living.
Without further ado
On the occasion of the release of Sustainability Mag #13, read the post by Christian Scharff, President of IMS Luxembourg, on the urgency to act.
Meet with Alexis Rosenfeld: explorer of the underwater world
Diver and photographer, he explores the mysteries of the underwater world and shares its wonders. Commissioned by UNESCO for the "1 OCEAN, The Anatomy" project, he tells us about this exploration.
james smith
COP26, A Watershed Moment for Business Action in 2022
James Smith, Director of Natural Climate Solutions at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), looks back at the momentum generated by business at COP 26.
Climate Heroes
Max Riché has captured the faces of Ramborn. A cider factory that is working to regenerate more than one million square metres of ancient orchards.
Kitamaya, and the Tree Will be Saved
Although wood is an ecological material of choice, its production is rarely sustainable. However, in the Land of the Rising Sun, an ancestral practice born in the Kitayama Mountains lives on.
Hope & Fear
2007. An eye-opening year on sustainable development challenges. This "inconvenient truth" is now visible to all. But how far have we really come?
DOSSIER / Getting out of Solastalgia
Meeting with Frédéric Lilien
Transporting people to the beauty of our fragile world. Immersing the audience into these planet's unseen and feverish wonders to raise awareness about climate change. This was the gamble taken by the nature-loving cinematographer, Frédéric Lilien.
The Great Green Disarray
More numerous than ever, they say they no longer know how to live with this environmental question haunting them. This emerging and growing phenomenon called "eco-anxiety" describes the chronic fear of environmental disaster. Today, we face a major challenge: how to overcome this tetany spreading among the population? How to transform these emotions into a movement that meets the challenge?
Entering the Symbiocene
The Australian philosopher Glenn Albrecht has coined a number of neologisms, including the now-famous "solastalgia", which refers to the growing sense of psychological distress over the destruction of our environment.
DOSSIER / Mysteries of cognition
Behaviours that do not follow our logic
To act or not to act? Sometimes intention is there but it is not followed by acts. What are the determining factors of changes in individual and collective behaviour? Cognitive science seeks to shed light on the question.
Our brain, the great culprit?
Sometimes intention is there but it is not followed by acts. What are the determining factors of changes in individual and collective behaviour? Albert Moukheiber, doctor in cognitive neuroscience and clinical psychologist, looks at the human factor in solving today's environmental challenges.
DOSSIER / Human Rights: A Call for Businesses to be More Vigilant
Cannot wait any longer!
Human rights expert Charlotte Michon calls on companies to go beyond compliance.
Rise of Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence
According to Martijn Scheltema: "business is expected to respect human rights even if governments do not fulfill their responsabilities". 
Rights Denied Behind the Products we Buy
Minerals, textiles, food... the objects you use every day have stories that are sometimes difficult to hear.
Towards new responsibilities for companies in Luxembourg
A new wind of change is blowing trough human rights and environmental legislation in the corporate world. Positive changes that are important to understand and anticipate.
Putting Values into Practice
SanLucar delivers more than 740 tons of fruit, juices and smoothies every day. Its operations have led it to reflect on human rights issues, a subject on which the company wishes to set an example.
DOSSIER / Tattoos in the workplace
Tattoos: Clichés are Hard to Break
On the shoulder, on the arm or on the ankle... tattoos are a must in the streets! But what is its status in the workplace?
Tattoo in the workplace: Individual Freedom or Stigmatisation?
What does the Luxembourg law say? Gianluca LAERA, lawyer at DSM Avocats à la Cour takes stock.
Perceptions of tattoos in the Luxembourg professional environment
IMS Luxembourg conducted surveys among employees and employers on the perception of tattoos in companies.
DOSSIER / Towards a Society of "Care"?
Our Chains of Vulnerability
Exit Batman and Superman and their superpowers, make way for the so-called "front-line jobs". Our heroes have changed. Epiphenomenon or heavy trend? Are we moving towards a "care" society?
Fabienne Brugère: "Humanity is vulnerable"
The philosopher and author of L’éthique du care calls for a society that is concerned with the care and attention of others.
Envisioning a World for Tomorrow
Paralympic multi-champion and humanist serial entrepreneur Ryadh Sallem signs a tribune refusing all forms of fatalism.
Sociology of "Care"
What are these so-called front-line professions, tolling to ensure our society's "continuity plan" sometimes at the cost of their own health?
DOSSIER / Fast Mode
The instantaneity tyranny
In a society marked by speed and immediacy, the new evil of the century lies in a permanent sense of urgency. Our brain is reduced to an absolute devotion to the whirlwind of the moment.
Quick and Dirty! Facing the Diktat of Urgency at Work
The information flow is speeding up and the pace of work organisation is increasing. What are the impacts on our well-being and performance?
Too Fast Too Furious?
A barometer assesses workforce's relation to time.
Hyper-acceleration and Infobesity in Companies
Infobesity, information management, and digital availability expert Caroline Sauvajol-Rialland advises us on information surge.
DOSSIER / When Millennials Spell The End of the Status Quo
Emmanuelle Duez: "This young generation is challenging yesterday’s models and first and foremost the corporate world"
Specialist in new generations issues, this serial businesswoman analyses our changing world. Are Y and Zs the bearers of a breakthrough change?
The profile of a Luxembourg Millennial
Director of Jonk Entrepreneuren Stéphanie Damgé enlightens us on the young generation in the Grand Duchy.
DOSSIER / The climate-displaced
A World on the Move
Migration : a consequence of environmental disasters. Beware, the phenomenon is accelerating.
Environmental Migrations Represent more Displacements than Violence and Conflicts
Programme Officer at the International Organisation for Migrations Daria Moknacheva discusses migration and climate change topics.
DOSSIER / Disability in the Workplace
Companies Lagging Behind in Luxembourg
From a declaration of intent to actual practice, there is still progress to be made within the organisations of the Grand Duchy.
How to Integrate Disability into Corporate Policy?
In this tribune, Disability Specialist Gwenaël Berthélemé-Saudreau comes back to the merits of the steps taken in this field in the private sector. An invitation to take action.
A Shared Experience, Two Insights into Disability in the Workplace
Céline Piccolo, disability service agent and Claire Talbot-Aliberti, in charge of Diversity and Inclusion at Sodexo Luxembourg, share their feedback on integration.
Gaby Wagner: "Strengthening the employability of people with disabilities"
Deputy Director responsible for the employment and training development atthe ADEM, she enlightens us on the existing schemes for jobseekers with disabled employee status.
DOSSIER / Burnout: breaking the taboo
Facing the Explosion of the Phenomenon
Burnout is sometimes described as the "modern day disease". How is it define and how can we prevent it? Answers from the POG.
Patrick Mesters : “Organisations that dare to face burnouts will grow”
Beyond human consequences, how does it affect the company? Founder of the European Burn-out Research Institute Patrick Mesters answers our questions.
Practices from Around the World
Initiatives have emerged to promote well-being and reduce burnout all around the world.
Prevention and Diagnostic in Companies
Diversity Coordinator Stéphanie Deitz presents the practices implemented at ING Luxembourg to deal with burnout. A programme including communication, training, mentoring and listening.
DOSSIER / True to Women?
So Cliché!
Gender stereotypes overwhelm the image and representation of women. The Superwoman myth is but one variant. Reflections on a stigmatized feminine imagery.
Raphaël Liogier: Descent to the Male's Core
Sociologist and philosopher Raphaël Liogier intends to decipher the mechanisms of "male domination" as well as the #MeToo movement.
The Power of Gender Stereotypes
Are women attentive and less authoritarian? Men, strategists and careerists? Diversity expert Inès Dauvergne picks up on our very gendered perception of skills.
Meet Jana Messer, Head of Steelplant
She runs a steel site producing 1 million tons of steel a year. How do women evolve in such a masculine world?
You Can't Be what you Can't See
Exchange with Laura Jones, the author of a study on the under-representation of women in the British media.
When companies raise awareness among their employees…and their future recruits
In Luxembourg, initiatives are being implemented to support women in their professional development. The objective? To raise awareness from a very young age.
Fighting visible and invisible obstacles
Delphine Bath, Head of Human Resources at La Mondiale Europartner, develops an environment where gender equality is above all a performance guarantee.
Also to Discover
Discrimination on Nationality: The Luxembourg Paradox
The Grand Duchy is a land of immigration where more than 170 nationalities live side by side. However, almost one out of two discriminations concerns nationality...
DOSSIER / Rethinking the world
Questions to John Elkington
John Elkington is often described as the godfather of sustainable development. Having coined the famous 3 Ps "People, Planet, Profit", he now calls on companies to adopt a regenerative capitalism. Regular on boards of directors - more than 80 to date - he sheds light on their role and ability to make strategic shifts for a change of model.
Entering the Symbiocene
The Australian philosopher Glenn Albrecht has coined a number of neologisms, including the now-famous "solastalgia", which refers to the growing sense of psychological distress over the destruction of our environment.
Fabienne Brugère: "Humanity is vulnerable"
The philosopher and author of L’éthique du care calls for a society that is concerned with the care and attention of others.
Raphaël Liogier: Descent to the Male's Core
Sociologist and philosopher Raphaël Liogier intends to decipher the mechanisms of "male domination" as well as the #MeToo movement.
Emmanuelle Duez: "This young generation is challenging yesterday’s models and first and foremost the corporate world"
Specialist in new generations issues, this serial businesswoman analyses our changing world. Are Y and Zs the bearers of a breakthrough change?
Walter Stahel: The origin of “cradle-to-cradle”
Pioneer of the circular economy and Founder of the Product-Life Institute Genova Walter Sahel gives us an insight into the environmental and societal benefits of a loop economy.
Jeremy Rifkin: The Architect of the 3rd Industrial Revolution
Interview with the leading economic and social theorist and fervent activist for sustainable development. He presents the key elements of a transition to a new sustainable economic paradigm, presented as the only solution to the obsolescence of the current model.
DOSSIER / Meet the trailblazers of the future
Anne Larigauderie : Spokesperson for One Million Threatened Species
As head of the IPBES, one of the leading institutions on biodiversity, she gives an uncompromising assessment of the state of living organisms. She presents the challenges of the coming decade.
Thomas Le Coz: Captain of the Sam Simon and Photographer
Sea Shepherd uses drones to watch over our oceans, these aerial perspectives are now essential to the defence of marine ecosystems.
Birgit Cameron : "There is a Revolution Brewing"
The activist brand Patagonia has embarked on the sustainable food. Meet Birgit Cameron, the woman who orchestrates this branch of activity with a resolutely green hand.
Tristan Lecomte : "Trees are the Best Investment on Earth"
Founder of PUR Projet Tristan Lecomte has already replanted millions of trees. Today, this serial entrepreneur shares with us 2 new projects.
Frank Wolter: "It won't be the Same Forest"
Administration of Nature and Forestry of the Grand Duchy director Frank Wolter is concerned about the degradation of Luxembourg's woodland areas. Keys to understanding and courses of action.
Alexander Farsan: companies called to listen to science to define their emission reduction paths
The Global head of Science-Based Targets at WWF reminds us of the extreme necessity to stay below 1.5°C of global warming. The panda organisation is sounding the alarm.
Arnaud Herrmann: The man with the 1,000 gardens
AccorHotels' Sustainable Development Director aims to green up Europe leading hotel group. He answers our questions and shares his positive hospitality strategy.
Jean Jouzel : Towards a Civilisational Change
The French Glaciologist and Climatologist draws up a striking report on the warming of our planet. He calls for seizing the many opportunities for innovation to be ecologically and economically successful.
Lewis Pugh: A 10-year race for the environment
As an extreme swimmer, he successfully completed 1 kilometre in the icy waters of the North Pole. His perilous challenges open up our eyes to the climate urgency.
Bertrand Piccard: Get aboard the Solar Impulse
Aboard the first zero-fuel plane! Swiss Aeronaut Bertrand Piccard tests the limits of what is possible and writes a promising page in history: flying around the Earth with the force of the sun.
DOSSIER / Drones
Thomas Le Coz: Captain of the Sam Simon and Photographer
Sea Shepherd uses drones to watch over our oceans, these aerial perspectives are now essential to the defence of marine ecosystems.
Resilience from the Sky?
From agriculture to health-care and efficient logistics, these technological gems are proving to be essential tools for resilience. Exploration of a flying object to be identified.
DOSSIER / 3D in the wild
Additive manufacturing to the rescue of the animal world
Did you know that 3D printing contributes to the preservation of wildlife?  Animal prostheses, "living green walls", artificial reefs...  Find out more about these projects of today and tomorrow.
Melanie Bishop: Living Seawalls in Sydney, a refuge between the tides
Meet Melanie Bishop, a passionate professor of biological sciences at Macquarie University and one of the three co-directors of "living seawalls" project.
DOSSIER / Decarbonised revolution on the seas
Sailing's Great Comeback!
After decades of heavy fuel oil or diesel-fuelled shipping, the sails are once again being hoisted to open up new, low-carbon routes on the seas. Discover a booming sail industry.
Focus on 5 types of wind formats
Thick profiles, kites, rotors, suction profiles or thin profiles? The Sustainability Mag presents you 5 types of wind formats.
Sailing for Zero-Emission
4,200 square metres of sail area, 136 metres in length, an innovative weather and routing system: presentation of the Neoliner by Jean Zanuttini.
DOSSIER / Science-Based Targets
A Green Desk to finance the energy transition
Anne-Sophie Dufresne, Director of the Corporate Bank at BGL BNP Paribas answers our questions.
Electrolux is now preparing to become climate neutral
The household appliance giant is leading the way in reducing CO2 emissions. Meet with Henrik Sundström, chef orchestror of this transition.
Alexander Farsan: companies called to listen to science to define their emission reduction paths
The Global head of Science-Based Targets at WWF reminds us of the extreme necessity to stay below 1.5°C of global warming. The panda organisation is sounding the alarm.
DOSSIER / Under the Digital Cracklings
Virtual realms with tangible impacts
The era of all-digital and homo connectus is also the era of digital pollution. Deciphering.
Infobesity, FOMO & nomophobia…
New forms of addiction, difficulty concentrating or memorising... What are the cognitive dysfunctions caused by the intensive use of digital information content?
The Right to Disconnect
The advent of digital technology has blurred the lines between professional and private life. Are we approaching the limits of permanent connection?
Also to Discover
Jean Jouzel : Towards a Civilisational Change
The French Glaciologist and Climatologist draws up a striking report on the warming of our planet. He calls for seizing the many opportunities for innovation to be ecologically and economically successful.
Possible Future Scenarios
CIRED experts analyse the plurality of climate changes we are experiencing.
The Liège bassin in search of food resilience
The Liège Food and Soil Belt (CATL) was set up in 2013 to federate, support and promote a sustainable local model. Are the results now living up to expectations? Here's a look at a project that is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year.
Sweden, the Edible Country
The Sustainability Mag takes you to Sweden to discover a nationwide food campaign that invites us to spend quality time outdoors and explore the abundance of healthy ingredients that nature generously provides for us.
Svalbard, The World's Food Diversity Vault
If you had to store the world's agriculture heritage in a safe place, where would you go? The solution lies above the Artic Circle, at -18°C...
Molenbeek, a Completely Different Story
Awarded the 2019 "Social Economy Prize", the Atelier Groot Eiland is a place that invents new forms of solidarity and living together. Concrete projects for crucial needs.
Reykjavík, A Green Paradox
Although the Icelandic capital boasts about having electricity that runs on 100% renewable energy, it still isn't the new ecological Eldorado...
The bocages, a salvatory path in Burkina Faso
Today, certain agricultural lands in Burkina Faso, which had been dried out and unsuitable for exploitation, are coming back to life. Their yields have increased, the farmers who exploit them are finding a decent way of life and the biodiversity that they once sheltered is gradually prospering again... At the origin of these combined benefits: the establishment of bocages in the Sahelian landscape. Let’s zoom in.
Ksar Tafilelt, A Sustainable Oasis
Built in a particularly arid area, the city Ksar Tafilelt offers an environmental model and responsible community living.
The Americas
Sweet Curridabat
In "Ciudad Dulce", Costa Rica's "Sweet City”, pollinators, hummingbirds, trees and endemic plants now have a prominent place in the city's development.
Medellín, the City's Revival
Former Director of the International Cooperation and Investment Agency of Medellín Sergio Escobar, tells about the green evolution of the city and shares his vision for tomorrow.
San Francisco, Objective Zero Waste
The city of San Francisco is today a true model of waste management. Zero Waste, an ambitious bet?
Kitamaya, and the Tree Will be Saved
Although wood is an ecological material of choice, its production is rarely sustainable. However, in the Land of the Rising Sun, an ancestral practice born in the Kitayama Mountains lives on.
New Zealand, Conservation First!
On Kiwi's land, environmental conservation is sacred! From tourist to Minister, everyone has a role to play to preserve this extraordinary biodiversity.
DOSSIER / With the Help of a Camera
Meet with Alexis Rosenfeld: explorer of the underwater world
Diver and photographer, he explores the mysteries of the underwater world and shares its wonders. Commissioned by UNESCO for the "1 OCEAN, The Anatomy" project, he tells us about this exploration.
Climate Heroes
Max Riché has captured the faces of Ramborn. A cider factory that is working to regenerate more than one million square metres of ancient orchards.
Self-portrait, Self-therapy
Cristina Nuñez found in photography the possibility of a cathartic and liberating act. This Spanish artist, a former heroin addict and prostitute, freed herself from her demons through a singular approach to self-portraiture.
The Pixelised Truth
Working with Google Earth, the artist Mishka Henner allows us to see our planet as it is and not as we would like it to be.
The Bigger Picture
Find the magical images of our blue planet taken by astronaut Thomas Pesquet from the ISS station. A series of photographs highlighting the critical issues of climate change.
Genies' Warning
A tale in pictures, this is the project presented by photographer Fabrice Monteiro in "The Prophecy". His genies take us on a world tour of the ecological scourges that ravage our planet.
DOSSIER / Polluting Cinema: End Clap?
How to Produce a Green Cinema?
Films inspire, influence and entertain millions of people around the world every day, but at what cost for the environment?
Greener Shooting
Without abandoning the magic of cinema, it is possible to set an example on the screen. The Sustainability Mag introduces you to those who are leading the way.
Production Eco-Referent
Pauline Gil now occupies a position that is becoming ever more important because of the climate emergency!
Cinema on Small and very Small Screens more Polluting?
Digital broadcasting may seem dematerialised, but it is not immaterial. Data centres, terminals, broadcasting networks, etc. are all energy-intensive technologies that have a real impact on the state of the planet.